ulti = almost useless for killing heroes.
sprout = ownage against melee/short ranged units.
teleport = finishing spell to kill those that escape.
force of nature = only good for pushing.
my build:
1) sprout
2) teleport
3) sprout
4) stats
5) sprout
6) stats
7) sprout
9) teleport
10) teleport
11 - 1
19 - 22) force of nature (for tanking while pushing solo)
23 - 25) wrath (cause theres nothing left.)
(don't know)
(don't know)
(don't know)
start the fight by hitting them first, then sprouting them as they approach/run away.
continue hitting them.
guinsoo (if you have) after 4 seconds (count).
hit hit hit.
if they haven't died, chase abit then sprout.
if your lazy, teleport in front of them, sprout them, then kill them.
also if an enemy just barely escaped death by your teammate, you can try to get the kill by estimating and teleporting in front of them to kill them.