LOL, not the "most powerful" item, but which one you happen to like? I like sange and yasha, its so cool, imagine bounty hunter wielding sange in one hand and yasha in the other hand, owns!!
DoE-->Great item for many hero killings and escaping. Euls and guinsoo-->Great disables during team fights or when 1v1. Satanic--> Rules all with high life leech on heros with high dps/fast attack rate,Sven with GS or troll with rampage. Maelstrom-->Great for clinkz or troll Dagon-->800 zap + Scythe=GG, faster killing if armed on clinkz and bounty hunter.
My all time favourite is still Guinsoo Scythe of Vyse
I don't really have a favourite,cuz it depends on what hero i use..But generally i like butterfly,mkb..