For stuff like this, have you check X Craft (or was it Craft?)?
They have a branch at Far-East 1st floor (looks like basement but they call it the 1st floor).
Blue @ Queenstown shopping centre, but the last I check the shop like no longer there...
You can also try the flea market at Scape.
Cine leisure 2nd floor, nearby pastamania. Accessory shop but not sure if got sell friendship band anot.
Bugis village 3rd floor, u stand at the 3rd floor eatery, face the phone accessory shop. it will be on your front-left. there is 2 shops selling accessories like brooch, earings, bangles and stuff. Not sure if they sell friendship band.
Haji lane might have but it'll be expensive...
now ppl do rainbow loom leh
vary good
How much are you willing to pay for one?
Email me - [email protected]
try on ebay sure have one