The thread so old liao...still want to bump it up...
Well..... it's the same thing those beng handphone shop who "buy back" electronics from ppl who need cash.
Usually ask ppl to go Courts get installment for items like Macbook or iphones. Things that is 'in market' at moment. Those can really sell easily wif profit.
Person who takes installment fr Courts, then "sells" items back to beng shop for 3/4 of main price. The loaner also gets "cashback" fr Courts.
Thus a double loan for him! He happy, Beng shop happy, Courts happy.... if loaner pays back them wif interest.
Of course usually ppl who has more than 10k loan runs away after 2 payments & Courts hv to chase them. Cos interest too high & ppl rather spend 3 to 5 years in bankrupt & all debts will be written off !!!
Heard the more easier shops to go to is the Chua chu kang & woodlands ones as approval is usually higher in those areas & so is their cashback.
But note that bigger shops like woodlands/Megastore & Jurong will screw you by adding extra things you dun need in thier installments. Their salesman there all quite unscrpulous!