Like I said, I'm not too sure about this matter.Originally posted by felirox:Oh man. But i once brush my teeth during ghusl. does this mean all my solats are like..not accepted?
So bottom line... the SOP for ghusl is basically following the sunnah. As long as you wash up properly, then it's counted.
As should be obvious from the above explanation, any method or sequence (of washing the body parts) that accomplishes thorough washing of the body shall meet the requirements of the word 'igtesaal', and may, therefore, be adopted.
However, the Prophet (pbuh), whose actions, in carrying out the directives of the Qur'an, provide us with the best example (the uswah e hasanah) and the most desirable way of carrying out the directives of the Qur'an would, generally, adopt the following sequence in carrying out the Qur'anic directive of 'ightesaal':
1. Thoroughly wash and clean the private parts;
2. Perform wudhu/ablution (this would obviously help in concentrating on thoroughly washing the parts that are included in the directive of ablution and, thereby, hold a greater importance); and
3.Thoroughly wash the rest of the body from head to toe.
Hmmm....Originally posted by felirox:But lets say you're doing ghusl (eg..washing my head)..then suddenly i remembered i didnt say the niat..but then i say it during the will my ghusl be batal?
ermm..then?Originally posted by mhcampboy:Are you sure wudhu everything must say out verses of prayers first??
Well, my guess is that as long as you can perform ghusl before subuh, then your fast will be fine.Originally posted by felirox:I'm sorry fudgester but i have another quest to ask you. Let's say u had a wet dream during a fasting month or myb ur doing the "6 days fasting" then when u wake up for sahur..can we perform ghusl after I eat during sahur?