
*Search engine* might help but still not enough...
WHO RUNS THE WORLDConstant talk on conspiracy message boards and web site -
Illuninati, the all seeing eye, and other secret societies run the world.
Lets examine this theory in light of what the Zetas have reported.
ZetaTalk: Clash of Agendas, written Nov 15, 2003
Puppet Masters
He with the gold, rules. The public assumes a broad ownership of corporations and media outlets, when the opposite is true. A very few individuals control the wealth of the world, install politicians to their pleasing, create global conflicts and create or destroy the fortunes of countries as well as individuals in the chess games they play with their control, and thus operate as Puppet Masters during the cover-up. Their agenda is to retain control, retain their position, and thus as their gold rules, they want minimal impact to their financial stature. No bank failure. No drop in stock value. No corporate bankruptcies.
Puppets [Dogs, 1]
Promised wealth, power, security, and opportunities outside of what their natural talents would afford them, puppets invariably allow their strings to be pulled. They are chosen because they can be controlled, by blackmail, by bribery, by intimidation, and if disappointed with the role they are assigned, they are alternately threatened and placated by their puppet masters, else eliminated. Puppets run amuck of their masters when they sense their world will not continue, and make demands. Occasional restless puppets are expected, with alternatives waiting in the wings, but when puppets panic en mass, malfunction, are absent, and many replacements are happening simultaneously, the chess game the puppet masters play does not go as planned.
http://www.zetatalk.com/index/blog0808.htm [/img]