Blue lights in 1999's Xmas
For Dearest chongyu;
Lost in Orchard Road,
Blue blue Lights,
Blue blue thoughts,
Ye were wonderin,
Endowed with love,hatred and sadness,
Is that all,yet send them forth to fill,
Good ill or just thy Blue's World.
Our Secret thoughts,
Leaving its blessing or it woes,
Like tracks behind as its gone.
Ty future ,thought by thoughts,
For Good or ill,yet know it not,
Thought is another ill-Fate or not,
Choose then thee destiny then wait,
For love brings love,
Hate brings hate,
Sadness brings sadness,
Wrought yea not,
yet so the wisted was fatal,
I hold ty true,speeds forth to God's hand.
Blue blue thoughts,
Blue blue sand, its gone as its goes.
Hope you have found your happiness as i will pray for you!
Be Blessed...