Originally posted by wisely_xu:
hi Water_Rat..welcome back to THE forum..(u knw wat i mean

Please dont say so..would You

me scare scare in tis site,only passing thru then saw interesting post by such 'smart man',cant help myself to give him my compliment.

Me run faster from their ill-nonsense plans than back ther..
Wait later like last time kana nonsense trapS..again..not time for that.
ASk them go temple find la..

I will not laY any suggestion as 'Once bitten,222 shy'

Be Blessed..
Do you noted tobi was sent by them again!last time,was glenn,de spy!
An eye for an eye..
A lie for a lie in return..
I ,again,had given him,tobi all fault info again as before,jus to punish him last time yet he still never change after four months ago.
Now they edited my post to make me sound like 'An evil Rat' in their site
as such link :

ONE is greed for psychic!No,Two.
Another one is greed for his infamous 'blar b;ar'..
A good suggestion for them to visit buddhist temple as Psychic is common for some buddhists

Dont understand them keep on insisted that a evil spirit is living inside me,
I think those,'Greed-Evil spirits' deep rooted in their hearts or desires!!!
p/s im not a buddhist la