A classic crappy pseudo-science website

as below
http://www.paranormalghostsociety.org/dimensionalbeings.htm or
try this site
http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Dimension.htmlNot all occurrences have to do with ghost or alien beings there are other paranormal creatures that come from other dimensions, times and places. They may look hideous, like us, be composed of just the light. Some may fade in front of you or some may be visible in the mirror with the proper lighting. Some may not even be aware that you see them since they possibly exist in another time and space. Tourist in Sedona see them, people see them in there houses, in the woods and just about anywhere. This in a way fits into our portals page and time travel. Perhaps these beings come from another plane like ours, or another time into the future and they use dimensional travel since time is different where they exist. They often call aliens dimensional beings since some UFOs tend to disappear before our eyes, angels are also higher beings that exist on other planes in theory that is why they have the ability to watch over you yet we cannot see or feel them and when seen they are just a being of bright light. Many hieroglyphs and Petroglyphs found in Native American caves 30,000 years ago show winged beings entering threw a portal or holding an object that controls life and death. These similar hieroglyphs are seen in other cultures such as Egypt? What does this mean? Simple that beings from portals or vortexes were often seen, possibly worshiped or depicted around the world 1000s of years ago. The shadow men are said to be inter-dimensional we can view there shadow but not there full form usually. After all is our shadows not 2 dimensional. However you may see these creatures there are ways to get in touch with them some saying astral projection is one way or threw meditation and metaphysical means. We do not have the answers but these are just a few theories. I do not think dimensional beings are bad even though some look hideous. Some people who mirror Scry or use Ouija boards are said to see them. So you see how everything is tying in or connected? We have to be careful not confuse demons, ghost and dimensional beings with each other I guess that is the hard part. But occasionally someone gets one of these creatures on film usually you see them so quickly and they are gone or fade quickly but yes they do exist and a sighting can occur fast at any given time.