I wonder why this 'Tiny Earth' is filled with so many different aspect of religions which conflicts one another...
i wonder if this world is without religion beliefs..without God haven... .. without buddha wisdom....without allah laws....without tao natural laws.....without FreE WilL to decide my destiny
i wonder ...if such A new way in which something can be viewed by an open mind... look at all aspects of the situations
Fruitful glen of religion-filled pools,
Beautify your eternity-souls,
Remembering me causes you great distress with my love,
Forget me not as leading you endless pain in wonderin,
The truth of my existence is forever 'mist'.
I am your 'master' or masters who created entire universe,
There is no one else than an only 'me'..
Blame me not,causes you a life of conflicts.
I am free now....always wananbe be free from all attacments of religions conflicts...i am free to speak of my free mind since your christianity "God" has given us so called 'freewill' to act of own will,to be responsible of own cause & effect....to choose btw evil & good..to choose wisdom or ignorance...to choose knowledge "apple" or blindless of truth....or just an open optional
Sad me not...hate me not...stress me not as i provided you here free will of speeches yet respect each other with words...respect each other with purity...respect each other with decision....simply Respect.
(May be)

Be free,
In Religious matters only 
, Dig out your heartS as here is 'FReeWill Thread'...IF there is..

I will glad to know what's your hearts for de 'REligious'..!
I'm wonderin that is there a song for 'Wonderin'..!