TD jin 厉害 eh.....
Where got no cash card parking will shift there one......
Actually jiak lunch only need half hour, but need to jio whole gang to tcss, ended up lunch 3 hrs......
Lai Lai. .u organize!! Can also discuss on how to get 14 quality paxs outside CBD area..
With LV as bait, than organize something for own benefit is ok la......
Bo dai Bo ji, jiak smlj Sakura lor......
Go drive your taxi la......
That one can go up to 5x......
But hor, cannot finish got penalty.......
Feed whole family ok la, if 1 person go upsize, manager will cum talk to you le......
Make sure all happy eating hor......
Don't need beh kim, lang lai tio ho.......
Originally posted by f1taxidriver:5x mai la. That time I ask for 4x. Eat until noodle coming out my nose. Almost vomit. I go there once 2 months with 6 pax. Order only 2 items total around $40. Management never chase me away leh. All their bowls cleaned out by me and children.
Originally posted by bowah:Must need beh kim lah, limpek got lot of empty kong guan biscuit tins can use mah, just drop inside the beh kim can liao, then sign how much, if $100, sit near yr altar, full service and serving including coffee and tea and desert. If $10 type, lanjiao lah, self service hor, if like you and many here give $2 type…sit outside
Sit outside good, zo chng "si ki pi", lai, I banker......