Originally posted by Autorespond:Yesterday went to sign up for TVDL, saw alot of red taxis cramming into a parking lot. Then alot of uncles in the classrooms taking lessons. All look damn sian like that. Signed up for the course, wah lau, classes are full and gotto wait for the next class a few weeks later. I must get ready for rainy days by having a taxi license.
There are so many potential TDs now... classes are full... if only govt reduce or waive COE for taxis, else there will be much less taxis on the road.
I saw this poster at STA looking for TDs for electric taxis "HDT GoElectric - www.hdt.com.sg, Call 67157868". Anybody got any advise on the pros and cons of driving an electric car? The website says "With 65 charging stations to be set up all over Singapore, going electric is easy;" Maybe now only very few power charging station...
Should be more likely electric car rental cheaper and possibly fuel cheaper but need to take longer time to charge up (as opposed to 3-5 minutes for diesel topping up + payment) and very likely one charged up cannot last for 12 hours of driving.
fare adjustment, NATO.
i wait until neck long long
Originally posted by bowah:Why wait…just add one more trip each day…ho say liao.
This one is not within control.....I always stretch until maximum.
But unlikely for taxi fare to increase even though other employees get annual increment every year. It has been 4 years since last election, by this calculation, we should be getting at least 16% fare adjustments already (if count by increments for teachers method, it should be 36%). Fuel price went down so they defintely would treat it like annual increments. If increase taxi fares, voters would KPKB.
This is Comfort's media release to the public: https://www.cdgtaxi.com.sg/mediaviewer?mediaid=876 . Take note of how competitive our fares are compared to other major international cities (Annex 2).
Now, Malaysia and Singapore TD dulan Uber and GrabCar. Hope something will be done soon. And look at the so many onerous rules TDs in Sg got to go thru. And the lack of TDs and low earnings.
SMRT drop rental by $20 first then come talk...
As per topic, still no news on fare adjustment. Sibeh charm.
Drop rental? They are all thinking never readjust taxi fares after oil price dropped very good already.
From the other perspective, taxi fares were last adjusted on a wide scale from Dec 2011 onwards. Ordinary employees in Singapore normally receive 3-5% increase in salary every year.....so from Dec2011-Dec2015, they would have received 12-20% increase in salary. So do not expect a taxi fare increase until our profits ( not counted as salary as we are like self-employed businessmen who do not receive CPF, bonuses, holidays and other benefits who have a contribute substantially to our medisave accounts ) deviate from this ratio by quite a lot.
Let's be realistic, if sampan meter got to adjust again, rental sure adjust one, why? Go ask those Limbu eh TD lor........
I can say their meter jumping is superb but eat up by their high rental........
Mr L so gong, let sampan easy life meh?..........
Currently, sampan meter is to let you jiak beh ba, Yao beh si type.......
I say taxi price sure would not adjust back within 2 years unless oil price shoots back to high level.
If not right time to adjust taxi fares, election time sure got oppositions aspiring to become MPs 借題發� . Our country believes in affordable public transportation so that mass majority of citizens could be happy not like Japan, Australia, UK or USA.
Originally posted by Keepthechange666:Currently, sampan meter is to let you jiak beh ba, Yao beh si type.......
With grabcar, UberX and all the competition in the market, plus night drivers already finding their business dropping due to these competition...how to have fare increase now?
If taxi fare is high, than amount of taxi on the road must reduce, than TDVL must be as difficult as the Knowledge test like UK.......
Taxi fare high high, taxi on the road many many, dui ka dui meh?.......