Originally posted by getcarter:Bro y not u try being a relief? Since u got difficulties finding a relief urself
Iam sure if u drive a single shift u got more time for everything n less responsibility
Go outside wrk also sama sama earnings not much difference
Rather drive one shift n be happy
Set target not so high like $100 per day can liao
Outside wrk also salary around there or lesser
can consider, u got a point too
Originally posted by bowah:
Yalor, be cdg relief lah, many hirer looking for relief, and relief only deposit $1,000..hirer paid $2000, you can take back $1000 mah. Then can lend me $300..to tong
me reaching 40 already, mid life crisis
Originally posted by bowah:
Yalor, be cdg relief lah, many hirer looking for relief, and relief only deposit $1,000..hirer paid $2000, you can take back $1000 mah. Then can lend me $300..to tong
hirer need to pay 2k meh? i think same lah, 1k or more, depending on ride
Originally posted by bowah:To be frank, once you become a TD, it is very difficult for you to go back to working life, unless it paid 2 to 3 times what you are earning…or that you drove only for a short period.
If you already drove for years, forget it, you can hardly take those discipline and fark up bosses face, or more so, working with younger foreigners who at time, group together and make you a fool. Then you will start to think of going back to Taxi driving again.
Nevertheless, you can try working again and drive part time one day on weekend
How true. Working for others sucks lah. Working for yourself, you can suka suka work, don't work as you like. But TD is not the best option for those who want to work for themselves lah. There are other options, look around, ask around. There are in fact many options if only we dare to seek it out....
Originally posted by j007:hirer need to pay 2k meh? i think same lah, 1k or more, depending on ride
Originally posted by bowah:The direct opposite of opportunity is risk.
Most TDs are in their middle age or me, in my twilight years, do we want to take the risk again. After kenna conned by govt and many companies, do you think we are not tire of it.
As we work thru our life, we gain experiences, knowledge and skills that no school or University can offer, nor do you hv paper to show. So, in paper chasing society like Singapore, both money paper and qualification paper, you lose out, but that is actually a lost to Singapore in term of our years of experiences and skills going into waste and never get tap on.
Then as we age, all these turn into Wisdom, people like my bro CT, ex chief, Hammer, taxilime and so on, have lots of Wisdom in them, wisdom is something that each individual curved out from it experiences and knowledge in life, and to them, by a blink of an eyes, they know what you are thinking and what kind of people you are…and that is why, they are also dangerous people and yet, good people.
As such, they, unlike the younger ones, look at thing from many perspectives before undertaking it, therefore, by the ages, the years of working life left and the health, they may not take up a risk that can earn 8k or more per month in exchange for the last few years of glory in their life. Be simple
u got ink!
Originally posted by bowah:The direct opposite of opportunity is risk.
Most TDs are in their middle age or me, in my twilight years, do we want to take the risk again. After kenna conned by govt and many companies, do you think we are not tire of it.
As we work thru our life, we gain experiences, knowledge and skills that no school or University can offer, nor do you hv paper to show. So, in paper chasing society like Singapore, both money paper and qualification paper, you lose out, but that is actually a lost to Singapore in term of our years of experiences and skills going into waste and never get tap on.
Then as we age, all these turn into Wisdom, people like my bro CT, ex chief, Hammer, taxilime and so on, have lots of Wisdom in them, wisdom is something that each individual curved out from it experiences and knowledge in life, and to them, by a blink of an eyes, they know what you are thinking and what kind of people you are…and that is why, they are also dangerous people and yet, good people.
As such, they, unlike the younger ones, look at thing from many perspectives before undertaking it, therefore, by the ages, the years of working life left and the health, they may not take up a risk that can earn 8k or more per month in exchange for the last few years of glory in their life. Be simple
I got wisdom tooth, but long time gone already...smlj...still a taxi driver. TD words cannot believe one lah especially in a forum..can only come here tcss.... cos TDs are 10M/10AH.
Is still your life style, same goes to relief....
Reading from TS comments, too much pressure from family, better go find a job than continue from driving....
Freedom? Which part of taxi driving can have freedom? Unless u like hammer, money ba ba type
Originally posted by Keepthechange666:Is still your life style, same goes to relief....
Reading from TS comments, too much pressure from family, better go find a job than continue from driving....
Freedom? Which part of taxi driving can have freedom? Unless u like hammer, money ba ba type
Shhhhh....mai luan luan kong. Wait ah wah ask me for money tong....
Hua taxi, if really to feed a family, its no joke one. Where got time like hammer go around complain and chase pax? Drive until punctured to earn that little money. Its very tiring. No freedom at all. Very very true. Even cleaners got more freedom.
Ah Wah can relax drive. Many lau unker also can relax drive. But those newly retrenched PMET, and those with young children and still owe HDB, its tough la.
Those already one leg in coffin type cabby, nothing to worry lah. Ginna already big. HDB already paid. Easy easy.
But some unker got disease and need to see doctor all the time. These kind is one and a half leg in coffin type unker. Anytime can go, also very very tough for them.