为了ä¿�障乘客的安全和利益,国会昨天就第三方å�¬å”¤å¾·å£«åº”用程åº�法案æ��出一读。交通部高级政务部长æ�¨èŽ‰æ˜ŽæŒ‡å‡ºï¼Œè¦�ç®¡åˆ¶è¿™æ ·çš„æœºåˆ¶ï¼Œå¿…é¡»ç¡®ä¿�å�ˆä½œå�Œæ–¹æœ‰ä¸€å®šçš„é€�明度,å�ˆçº¦ä¹Ÿåº”采å�–问责制。
德士师傅郑先生说,“我æ¯�天的车租130元,现在外é�¢æœ‰uber,他们说其实我å�¯ä»¥è·Ÿç¬¬ä¸‰è€…租车,一天æ‰�55å…ƒï¼Œå¦‚æžœæ˜¯è¿™æ ·çš„è¯�,我是å�¦å…�许用这ç§�æ–¹å¼�继ç»è�¥ä¸šï¼Ÿ”
交通部兼财政部高级政务部长æ�¨èŽ‰æ˜Žè¡¨ç¤ºï¼Œ“郑先生他æ��到的应该ä¸�是uber而是uberXï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯è¯´ä½ çš„é‚£ä¸ªè½¦ï¼Œå¦‚æžœæ˜¯ä»ŽuberX那儿的第三方应用程åº�æ‹›ç§Ÿå‡ºåŽ»ï¼Œé‚£å…¶å®žä½ æ˜¯ä¸�能够平时在街é�“上行驶,然å�Žå¦‚果有人招手说我è¦�å��ä½ çš„è½¦å�能ä¸�能å��那个是ä¸�行的。
郑先生就è¦�考虑,他的租金是比较低,但是它的乘客é‡�是ä¸�是能够æ��供跟过去å�Œæ ·çš„收入呢,目å‰�还ä¸�是很明显。
” 记者è�‚国å¨�问部长,“国会已ç»�一读了这个法令,所以接下æ�¥æ”¿åºœæœ¬èº«æ˜¯è¦�怎么更好地去管制这方é�¢å‘¢ï¼Ÿ
” 交通部兼财政部高级政务部长æ�¨èŽ‰æ˜Žè¡¨ç¤ºï¼Œ“é‡�点是放在他们应该è¦�用é€�明的方å¼�æ�¥å’Œä¸€äº›å¸ˆå‚…沟通,也就是说å�ˆçº¦å’Œä»–ä»¬å®šä¸‹çš„æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªä»€ä¹ˆæ ·çš„ç»�è�¥æ¨¡å¼�,而且收费也è¦�很清楚地列出。我觉得还有一方é�¢æ¯”较é‡�è¦�,那就是问责方é�¢ã€‚就是说车å�有什么事,这个是è°�负责?”
交通部兼财政部高级政务部长æ�¨èŽ‰æ˜Žè¡¨ç¤ºï¼Œ“郑先生他æ��到的应该ä¸�是uber而是uberXï¼Œä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯è¯´ä½ çš„é‚£ä¸ªè½¦ï¼Œå¦‚æžœæ˜¯ä»ŽuberX那儿的第三方应用程åº�æ‹›ç§Ÿå‡ºåŽ»ï¼Œé‚£å…¶å®žä½ æ˜¯ä¸�能够平时在街é�“上行驶,然å�Žå¦‚果有人招手说我è¦�å��ä½ çš„è½¦å�能ä¸�能å��那个是ä¸�行的。
ä½ æ˜¯æ´»åœ¨ä»€ä¹ˆå¹´ä»£çš„äººã€‚ 今天å�«å¾·å£«é¡»è¦�è¡—é�“上招手å�—?在网上招手å�«å¾·å£«å°±ä¸�是å�«å¾·å£«å�—?
The fact is Uber X is an illegal taxi service. No licence, No regulation but serve as taxi service. Invade into taxi business.
You are paid million. Dont act blur.
Your loss is my gain
lidat lor
Originally posted by bowah:agreed, your lost is my gain…but most of the time, your gain is my more gain…
Originally posted by Reliefdriver4u:有人æ¡å–œï¼Œæœ‰äººæ„�。
Your loss is my gain
lidat lor
it is not about gain or loss. It is about something suppose to be illegal but the authority so confuse and say it is legal. using a private car and driver without TDVL can become a taxi as long as you dont flag on the road, flag the taxi over Internet aps okay. the rule apply on the road not over Internet but the action and purpose serve is the same.
Originally posted by peterpan212:
it is not about gain or loss. It is about something suppose to be illegal but the authority so confuse and say it is legal. using a private car and driver without TDVL can become a taxi as long as you dont flag on the road, flag the taxi over Internet aps okay. the rule apply on the road not over Internet but the action and purpose serve is the same.
Originally posted by bowah:
Aiya, u dun understand our current govt meh...today govt work on past issue and not pro active in seening issues brewing.
govt elected by citizen. If the citizen endosed their work, they of course contine to do the same because ppl are happy.