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é…’ 店套房准备的水果很多,我很斗胆的暗地里给他一个绰å�·“Fruit Monster”(水果怪人)。一次我看到一串已ç»�长黑斑的香蕉,æ£å‡†å¤‡æ‹¿åŽ»ä¸¢æŽ‰ï¼Œè¢«å®‰ä¿�人员å�«ä½�,å�“了一跳。他问我干嘛?我说我已ç»�让酒店拿新鲜的,这 串都是黑斑,ä¸�能给他å�ƒã€‚安ä¿�人员å�´è¯´ä¸‡ä¸‡ä¸�能丢,他就爱å�ƒé•¿é»‘斑的香蕉,所以酒店套房一定有两串香蕉,一串已ç»�熟é€�长黑斑,å�¦å¤–一串æ£åœ¨ç†Ÿé€�长黑斑的过 程ä¸ï¼�我这一下长è§�识了ï¼�他还喜欢凤梨ã€�西瓜和柚å�。
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一 天,我陪å�Œå¤«äººæ¸¸æ³³æ—¶å�‘çŽ°ï¼Œå¤«äººå·¦æ‰‹æ— å��指上有一枚很细的金戒指,猜想一定是当年他买的婚戒。这枚戒指没有图案,å�ªæœ‰å›žå½¢é’ˆè¿™èˆ¬ç²—细,有点弯曲,我ä¸�ç»�大 è„‘çš„ã€�心直å�£å¿«åœ°é—®å¤«äººï¼Œä¸ºä»€ä¹ˆæ²¡æœ‰è®©èµ„政给自己买个钻戒?夫人想都没想地å��问我,“为什么需è¦�一个钻戒?”我这一下了æ‰�æ„�识到,原æ�¥çœŸæ£çš„爱就是能让人 感觉åƒ�拥有全世界。我开始相信白头å�•è€�ä¸�å�ªæ˜¯ç¾Žä¸½çš„ä¼ è¯´ï¼Œæˆ‘å¼€å§‹ç›¸ä¿¡çˆ±æƒ…ï¼Œå¼€å§‹æ¸´æœ›æ¤ç”Ÿèƒ½æ‹¥æœ‰è¿™æ ·çš„爱情。
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一 次在上海,秘书让我找æ�¥äº†è£�ç¼�帮ç�€å�šå¤–套,我立马就找了上海一家å�šå”�装å°�有å��气的公å�¸ã€‚当天,店里那ä½�é›�容å�Žè´µçš„è€�æ�¿å¨˜ç©¿ç�€æ——è¢�,亲自领ç�€ä¸€ä½�è£�ç¼�师傅æ�¥ 酒店套房帮他é‡�身定å�šã€‚ä»–è¦�å�šä¸€ä»¶å’Œä»–带æ�¥çš„ä¸€æ¨¡ä¸€æ ·çš„æ·±è“�色外套,我看了一下,这是他在国会ç»�常穿的那件。我帮他把è¦�å�šçš„å¤–å¥—ç©¿ä¸ŠåŽ»ï¼Œå› ä¸ºè£�ç¼�师傅说这 æ ·é‡�会比较准确。当他把手伸长ã€�让è£�ç¼�师傅é‡�袖å�£æ—¶ï¼Œæˆ‘惊讶的看到他两边袖å�£çš„一圈都已ç»�ç£¨ç ´äº†ï¼�我心里的一个没ç»�大脑的å��应是,“å“Žå‘€ï¼�é‚£ä½�上海è€�æ�¿å¨˜ 最好没有看到。ä¸�然,她会ä¸�会笑è¯�我们国家,笑è¯�他。”
那时他å�šäº†å‡ 件å”�装上衣,这些上衣,他最å�Žå‡ å¹´ç»�常在ä¸�å�Œåœºå�ˆç©¿ã€‚æ¯�å›žæˆ‘çœ‹åˆ°æ—¶ï¼Œéƒ½ä¼šæƒ³èµ·ä»–é‚£ç£¨ç ´çš„è¢–å�£ã€‚
有 多少人åƒ�æˆ‘ä¸€æ ·æœ‰å¹¸è¿‘è·�离接触他,能够通过这些å°�细节亲身体验,了解他的为人ã€�他们的节ä¿ã€�他们的生活方å¼�和价值观?æ¯�回å�¬åˆ°æœ‰æ–°åŠ å�¡äººæ‰¹è¯„他,我立马就 会站出æ�¥è¯´ä½ 们ä¸�懂,也ä¸�了解他,他ä¸�æ˜¯ä½ ä»¬è¯´çš„é‚£æ ·ã€‚ä»–è‡ªå·±è¿™ä¹ˆèŠ‚ä¿ï¼Œä¸�花一分ä¸�该花的钱,他更是ä¸�ä¼šæµªè´¹æ–°åŠ å�¡çš„ä¸€åˆ†é’±ã€‚æ–°åŠ å�¡æœ‰è¿™æ ·çš„领导人是我们 的幸ç¦�,是我们的ç¦�祉。
Low Thia Khiang: Singapore's progress has come at a price :
The late Mr Lee Kuan Yew was an extraordinary leader who guided Singapore's progress from its tumultuous beginnings, said opposition leader Low Thia Khiang (Aljunied GRC).
He praised Mr Lee's contributions to Singapore's economic progress and his success in uniting and building a multicultural Singapore.
"This is an achievement that is not possible without Mr Lee. My deepest respect goes to founding Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew," said Mr Low, who went on to add that, in the process of nation-building, "many Singaporeans were sacrificed".
At a special Parliament sitting in memory of Singapore's first Prime Minister, Mr Low commended the late Mr Lee's fighting spirit, tenacity and sincerity, which took Singapore from Third World to First.
But the People's Action Party's one-party rule was not key to this transformation, he said.
Many Singaporeans were sacrificed in the process of development, he added. "Society has paid the price for it."
Mr Lee was thus a controversial figure in some people's eyes, said Mr Low, who is Workers' Party secretary-general and the longest-serving opposition member in Parliament today.
Mr Lee crafted policies based on the situation at the time, making rational choices in the interests of the country.
Yet policymaking should not just be rational, but also humane and compassionate, said Mr Low.
"Only in this way can policymaking avoid harming people and creating resentment."
If resentment builds over time, it could hurt national unity and cause citizens to feel estranged, he added.
But Mr Low also gave credit to Mr Lee for being reasonable and open-minded, saying: "From my dealings with Mr Lee in Parliament, I don't think he was an autocrat who didn't listen.
"If you had strong reasons and a tight argument and could win him over through debate, I think he would consider your views."
But the sitting's final speaker, Ms Indranee Rajah (Tanjong Pagar GRC), seemed to object to Mr Low's mention of sacrifice.
Without referring directly to Mr Low, she said: "It was not people who were sacrificed but the things which would have made us a lesser people, a lesser country than we are today."
"(Mr Lee) called upon us to make sacrifices in accordance with some very basic principles: humanity, integrity, thrift, welfare of the people."
Singapore gave up "laziness, corruption, division, hatred of other races".
"The other kind of sacrifice we were asked to make, was to set aside divisions and animosity in the interest of national unity," she said, adding that it was the late Mr Lee who made the biggest sacrifice of all.
She quoted Mr Lee's own words about his sacrifice: "At the end of the day, what have I got? A successful Singapore. What have I given up? My life."
Fri, 27 Mar 2015
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但是,我ä¸�认å�Œè¡ŒåŠ¨å…šä¸€å…šä¸“æ”¿çš„æ”¿æ²»æ ¼å±€æ˜¯æ–°åŠ å�¡ç»�济能够迅速å�‘展,社会能够ä¿�æŒ�å‡�è�šåŠ›ï¼Œç»´æŒ�å›½å®¶å›¢ç»“çš„å…³é”®ã€‚å› ä¸ºæœ‰ä¸�å°‘æ–°åŠ å�¡äººåœ¨å»ºå›½å’Œåˆ¶å®šæ”¿ç–çš„æ�ƒè¡¡è¿‡ç¨‹ä¸è¢«ç‰ºç‰²ï¼Œæˆ‘ä»¬çš„ç¤¾ä¼šä¹Ÿä»˜å‡ºäº†ä»£ä»·ã€‚è¿™ä¹Ÿé€ æˆ�了建国总ç�†æ�Žå…‰è€€åœ¨ä¸€äº›æ°‘众的心里æˆ�为具有争论性的人物。
虽然他制定政ç–æ˜¯æ ¹æ�®å½“时的现实情况,以国家利益为出å�‘点,å�šç�†æ€§çš„åˆ¤æ– ï¼›ä½†æ”¿ç–的选择和施行ä¸�å�•å�ªæ˜¯ç�†æ€§ï¼Œåº”该还有人性和感性的考é‡�,æ‰�能é�¿å…�在实施政ç–时使一些人民å�—到伤害和积怨,长久累积æˆ�为潜ä¼�性的政治å�±æœºï¼Œå½±å“�人民的团结和对国家的认å�Œæ„Ÿã€‚
从我在国会里和æ�Žå…‰è€€çš„接触,我ä¸�认为他是个一æ„�å¤è¡Œçš„独è£�è€…ï¼Œå¦‚æžœä½ æœ‰å……è¶³çš„ç�†ç”±å’Œè®ºè¯�,能赢得了他ç»�过细腻æ€�维的政ç–è¾©è®ºï¼Œæˆ‘æƒ³ä»–ä¼šè€ƒè™‘ä½ çš„æ„�è§�。我也知é�“他最讨厌讲废è¯�çš„äººï¼Œå› ä¸ºä»–è®¤ä¸ºæ—¶é—´å®�贵,è¦�å�šçš„事还很多。
æ–°åŠ å�¡æ˜¯ä¸€ä¸ªç”±ä¸�å�Œç§�æ—�所组æˆ�的社会,å�„ç§�æ—�拥有ä¸�å�Œçš„è¯è¨€å’Œæ–‡åŒ–,在建国åˆ�期,大家都希望在这个新兴的国家里ä¿�有优势。如何整å�ˆä¸�å�Œçš„矛盾和利益冲çª�,团结人民,建立国家的æ„�识是一个很大的挑战。一些在建国的时候和我国社会背景相似的国家,到现在还é�¢å¯¹å¤šå…ƒç§�æ—�和文化的社会矛盾, 甚至é�¢ä¸´å›½å®¶åˆ†è£‚çš„é£Žé™©ã€‚ä»Šå¤©çš„æ–°åŠ å�¡ï¼Œèƒ½å¤Ÿä¸�分ç§�æ—�ã€�言è¯å’Œå®—教而团结一致,æ�Žå…‰è€€åŠŸä¸�å�¯æ²¡ã€‚
Villages in India mourn the loss of Mr Lee Kuan Yew with heartfelt banners: "You are our god"
Several villages in the city of Tamil Nadu, India, have made banners to commemorate the passing of Singapore's founding father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew.
Stompers Kannan, xxxx, Aj Zahir, Rajeev and G Karuna all sent in photos of the banners in Tamil Nadu, India.
Stomper xxxx shares that he is filled with sadness about Mr Lee's demise.
Singapore's first prime minister Mr Lee Kuan Yew had passed away yesterday (Mar 23) at 3.18am.
Kannan said, "Tribute via large banners remembering Mr Lee were put up in the villages of Paravakottai and Ullikotttai in Thiruvarur District of Tamil Nadu."
G Karuna said, "We first time saw other country leader's banners in Tamil Nadu."
Aj Zahir also said he was rather surprised to come across these Facebook postings.
He explains that these banners were made by Indian foreign workers who have come to work in Singapore and are now back in their home country.
The Stompers provided a brief translation of the banners:
"Peak of The Himalayas that has fallen"
"We used to live in huts and now we live in concrete houses (after working in Singapore).
"You are our god.
"The sculptor of Singapore, he is the best Prime Minister, best among all leaders.
"World Respected Leader, Great leader who has helped and gave life to the Indian People.
"Our condolences to the man who gave us life."
Aj Zahr notes that it is not just one village that has done this, but several villages around Tamil Nadu, which boasts a majority of construction workers that have worked in Singapore.
He said:
"The bottom of the banners state the different villages.
"They are so appreciative and grateful.
"I think that locals don't seem to appreciate as much what our mentor has done, as compared to other countries.
"We need to appreciate more."
Kannan says, "It is heartening to see how much people love Mr Lee Kuan Yew all over the world as tributes continue to pour in from various countries."
Sir, I'm a nobody to judge him or to praise him....
I only know, this country is now declared national mourning week...
We give our oath and recite our pledge....
This is a basic gratitude and respect to be given to this country, our homeland, Singapore......
Want to talk, next Mon than we talk.....
If got nothing gd to say best is keep quiet
I prefer to keep quiet
Originally posted by Keepthechange666:Sir, I'm a nobody to judge him or to praise him....
I only know, this country is now declared national mourning week...
首先,请那些嘴上勿毛,人云亦云的兄弟们,自动关机,除é�žä½ æ˜¯è·Ÿä¿ºä¸€æ ·ï¼Œèº«ä¸ºå�Žæ ¡ç”Ÿï¼Œå› æ�Žè€�爷å�的政ç–而一生完全改å�˜…………但俺完全ä¸�æ�¨æ�Žè€�爷å�ï¼Œå› ä¸ºè¿™ä¸–ç•Œï¼Œä¿ºä¹Ÿæ½‡æ´’çš„èµ°äº†å¥½å‡ å›žï¼Œä¿ºæœ‰è‡ªå·±çš„ä»·å€¼è§‚ã€‚
所以俺ç»�对ä¸�会去跟别人争论æ�Žè€�爷å�çš„ä¸€åˆ‡ï¼Œå› ä¸ºä»–è€�人家已ç»�回去了,对他æ�¥è®²ï¼Œè¿™ä¸€åˆ‡å·²ç»�ä¸�é‡�è¦�了。
ä¿ºï¼Œè¯´äº†ï¼Œæˆ‘ä»¬æ–°åŠ å�¡äººçš„政治æ€�度还是é�žå¸¸å¹¼ç¨šï¼Œæ•´å¤©å› 为ISD啦,神马Section55å•¦ï¼Œæ‹œæ‰˜å•¦ï¼Œéƒ½ç¥žé©¬æ—¶ä»£äº†ï¼Œä½ ä»¥ä¸ºè¿˜æ˜¯ä½ çˆ·çˆ·å¥¶å¥¶çš„Era嘛ï¼�
å�ªè¦�ä½ ä¸�æ˜¯æ— ä¸ç”Ÿæœ‰ï¼Œäººäº‘亦云,夸大其è¯�,安啦。安啦。。。猫æ»çŒ«æ»ï¼�
Originally posted by Ct2220:
WAH...all the teksi lo last time wear proper shirt and pants one...not like now...or issit because they meeting LKY then wear properly.
I luv this picture. Good old days. The big building in the background looks like those old red factories processing/drying rubber sheets made from latex.
Yesterday took one 50+ old lj man at padang.
board cab say he stay at hk 10
recently just back sg n bring mim to hosipital
keep saying how great pap n lky did for sg
How grateful he is n how many hrs he wait there
i say no much but only yes.....hmmm...yes!
i agreed/grateful most of the thing lky did for sg too!
But only u got benefit from it...u will say pap good!
some get hurt from it....will fxxk pap!
U can stay hk n got condo at sg...u sure say good lah!
But only agreed with u half of it!
He say:so u belong that 39%ungrateful singaporean!
until he say:if i got $ i will never stay at sg n go to hk n stay;no $ then back sg stay!
i told him:i m totaly different from u!
rich or poor or got war,i will never left my country n fight along side with all our ppl here!
he angry liao n say sg td all r lazy,keep on hide n sleep or sit at coffee shop,
not like hk td so hardworking...
pap should throw all to hk n try/feel for it.
I told him i dun want to continus on this topic n stop here!
Fxxk.....fake sg supporter!
How to depend on him!!
Some even told my old age mother
must go padang see lky n report ic number
if not dunno what sg50 money cant take!
好,Alvin,俺就欣èµ�åƒ�ä½ è¿™ç§�ç›´è‚ ç›´è‚šçš„äººï¼Œæœ‰ç¥žé©¬å°±è¯´ç¥žé©¬ï¼Œç»�ä¸�虚伪,也ä¸�夸大其è¯�。
白衣人的三脚LP客的确好些这类的人,他/她们还沉迷于俺è€�爸è€�妈的时代,也就是这类的现在PAP Supporter 把æ�Žè€�爷å�认为需è¦�å�Šæ—¶ä¸Žæ”¹å�˜çš„æ–°åŠ å�¡é’‰æ»åœ¨æ—§æ—¶ä»£çš„æ–°åŠ å�¡ã€‚
俺能å†�活的时间也ä¸�å�¯èƒ½å¤ªä¹…了,但俺ç»�ä¸�希望“ç¹�è�£æ˜Œç››çš„æ–°åŠ å�¡”æˆ�为一个历å�²å��è¯�,就åƒ�当年俺拜访的亚洲第二的è�²å¾‹å®¾ã€‚
Alvinè°¢è°¢ä½ çš„ç›´è‚ ç›´è‚šã€‚
çŽ°åœ¨æ–°åŠ å�¡éœ€è¦�çš„å°±æ˜¯è¿™æ ·çš„å›½æ°‘è€Œä¸�是LP客。
Originally posted by Ct2220:好,Alvin,俺就欣èµ�åƒ�ä½ è¿™ç§�ç›´è‚ ç›´è‚šçš„äººï¼Œæœ‰ç¥žé©¬å°±è¯´ç¥žé©¬ï¼Œç»�ä¸�虚伪,也ä¸�夸大其è¯�。
白衣人的三脚LP客的确好些这类的人,他/她们还沉迷于俺è€�爸è€�妈的时代,也就是这类的现在PAP Supporter 把æ�Žè€�爷å�认为需è¦�å�Šæ—¶ä¸Žæ”¹å�˜çš„æ–°åŠ å�¡é’‰æ»åœ¨æ—§æ—¶ä»£çš„æ–°åŠ å�¡ã€‚
俺能å†�活的时间也ä¸�å�¯èƒ½å¤ªä¹…了,但俺ç»�ä¸�希望“ç¹�è�£æ˜Œç››çš„æ–°åŠ å�¡”æˆ�为一个历å�²å��è¯�,就åƒ�当年俺拜访的亚洲第二的è�²å¾‹å®¾ã€‚
Alvinè°¢è°¢ä½ çš„ç›´è‚ ç›´è‚šã€‚
çŽ°åœ¨æ–°åŠ å�¡éœ€è¦�çš„å°±æ˜¯è¿™æ ·çš„å›½æ°‘è€Œä¸�是LP客。
i have been flooded with information about his greatness thru all form of media throughout the week. Looking at it, almost all of this information are thru or link from our state media.
for many moments, im touch. And it shaken my all time "bad" perspective on him and his team.
But lately i then realise it is my mistake to see him together with the present pap. There can be many argument about how present pap is identical to him, work under his influences, plan after his footstep.....etc.
but i would like to separate them by the final result, the final result not on the infrastructure , encomic progess but rather on who benefit and who is left out.
during his time, he progress the nation. Yes, he make us work harder, he make us contribute more but at the same time we got to enjoy a better living and our payout still able to catch up with the growing nation. We can affort to live and enjoy what we have built.
today pap, althought they are still growing up the infrastructure, encomic like he do. But have left us out to grow together. They work hard to create jobs for us but for the whole world as well. The jobs are too competitive and resulting our payout are stagnant and not catching up with the economic grow.
the negative issue result from our present pap are too much to mention here.
Afterall, what i want to bring across is there is a difference during lky time and present pap. We should not bring the same resentment on the present pap and judge lky. And too, we should not bring lky greatness to judge the present pap.
to the present leader or leader to be (hopefully), do not destroy a nation lky had built. Built the nation together with your people and grow together with them.
As what my 师傅 Mentor Pool after Q for 6 Hours,just for One bow �,
对我讲的ï¼�CT 若我今天没æ�¥ç»™æ�Žå…‰è€€å…ˆç”Ÿè‡´æœ€å�Žçš„敬礼,我将会终生æƒæ„§ï¼Œæ°¸è¿œçš„é�—憾ï¼�
打从æ�Žå…‰è€€å…ˆç”ŸäºŽ23/03凌晨0318am辞世那天起,Poolmans 就为æ�Žå…‰è€€è½½å�,
这就是为什么CT我是 Poolmans 门下的�徒,但我到今天还尊称他为师傅。
å› ä¸ºï¼Œä»–è¿™ä¸ªè¶…çº§æµ�氓是一个饮水æ€�æº�,是é�žé»‘白分明的人。
他所说的:没有æ�Žå…‰è€€ï¼Œæˆ‘ Poolmans 没有今天的日å�,他æ»äº†ï¼Œæˆ‘比父亲去世更伤心。
我 Jiao Poolmans 一起去,纹身这个充满ç�€“æ„Ÿæ�©”的图腾。
有没有,哪一ä½�兄弟å§�妹è¦�åŠ å…¥æˆ‘ä»¬çš„å�—??????
(⊙o⊙),(⊙o⊙),(⊙o⊙),å�Žå…„å¼Ÿï¼Œä½ è¯´çš„æœ‰ä¸€ç‚¹ç‚¹é�“ç�†ï¼Œå°±æ˜¯æˆ‘ä»¬æ–°åŠ å�¡åœ¨åœ°å›¾ä¸Šä¹Ÿä¸�就是一个红点而已,俺“守身”近一甲å�ï¼Œè¿™æ ·ä¸´è€�æ‰�“ç ´å¤„”去纹神马身也是ä¸�太好,万一俺回去å�Žï¼Œé�‡åˆ°ä¿ºè€�爷å�,æ�žä¸�好会被è‡éª‚一顿。
还是心ä¸æ°¸è¿œè®°å¾—æ�Žå…‰è€€å…ˆç”Ÿä¸ºæ–°åŠ å�¡æ‰€å�šçš„这一切,就够了。
至于�光耀的功与过,对与错 对他�讲,都���了。
ä»–çš„æ—¶ä»£ï¼Œä»–éž èº¬å°½ç˜�çš„ä¸ºä»–æœ€çˆ±çš„æ–°åŠ å�¡å°½äº†ä»–一生的最大努力。
ä¸�é”™ï¼Œæ˜¯æˆ‘ä»¬æ–°åŠ å�¡å»ºå›½ç¬¬ä¸€ä»£çš„许许多多政界领导,贫民百姓,è€�大爷,è€�阿嘛,建立起æ�¥çš„。
æˆ‘ä»¬æ·±æ·±çš„å¸Œæœ›ï¼Œè¿™ä¸€åˆ‡èƒ½å¤Ÿä¼ ä¸‹åŽ»ã€‚
我ä¸�希望“ç¹�è�£æ˜Œç››”çš„æ–°åŠ å�¡æˆ�为历å�²å��è¯�,就åƒ�当年俺拜访的亚洲第二ç»�济强国:è�²å¾‹å®¾ã€‚
There is too much good and bad propaganda on Harry Lee.
Some call him a good leader who developed Singapore, others say that he is a banana baba bastard autocrat who destroyed chinese culture, destroyed mother tongue dialects, turned young people into bananas like himself. We need another 20 years before people can judge him fairly.
As Singapore bids farewell to its founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, who died on Monday aged 91, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid glowing tributes to the leader.
Modi is in Singapore for the state funeral of Lee.
“I am visiting Singapore at a sad moment. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew was among the tallest leaders of our times. Singapore’s transformation in one generation is a tribute to his leadership,” Modi told reporters in Singapore on Sunday.
“He was a global thinker who saw things ahead of others. He believed in India’s potential more than many of us did,” Modi added. Singapore is one of the top sources of foreign direct investment (FDI) into India.
Modi is among the many world leaders who were in Singapore for the state funeral, including Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott Indonesian President Joko Widodo, former US President Bill Clinton and former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
Lee Kuan Yew was Singapore’s Prime Minister from 1959 to 1990. He led the nation when the country gained independence in 1965. Under his premiership, Singapore developed from a third world country into a global financial centre ranking among the world’s top three in terms of living standards.
Although most world leaders have praised the economic transformation of Singapore under Lee, critics and human rights groups have condemned his iron-fisted rule of his country which saw his political opponents exiled, political dissent crushed and media freedom stifled.
Lee Kuan Yew’s death is “a loss to the international community”, said Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday.
“Mr Lee Kuan Yew is an old friend of the Chinese people, and founder and mover of Sino-Singapore relationship,” Chinese President Xi Jinping said in a statement posted on the Chinese Foreign Ministry website on Monday.
...Then there are Chinese vocal nationalists and leftists, who have offered much harsher post-mortem assessments of Lee...
Lu Qi, a nationalist scholar, took the vitriol a step further when he called Lee a hanjian – that is, a traitor to the Chinese nation — because Lee “embarked on a large de-Sinicization campaign in Singapore, and most ethnic Chinese Singaporeans could not speak Chinese.”
Guo Songmin, a former magazine editor, accused Lee of turning Singapore into a republic of “bananas,” another pejorative used against Asians who have adopted Western culture because they are “yellow on the outside and white on the inside,” and wrote that Lee “infected overseas Chinese everywhere with cultural schizophrenia.” Other nationalists have called Lee an “opportunist” that “milked both China and the U.S. for his own interests.”
...Lee was of Chinese descent. However, as the leader of a country whose 75 percent population are of Chinese origin, he put a lot of efforts into de-sinicization....
Lee was born to a Chinese family, but his study of law in the UK enabled him to understand the British system and he was labeled as a "banana" - with yellow skin but white inside - by some...
“Lee is like a banana –yellow of skin, white underneath.”
- Zhou Enlai, Premier of the People’s Republic of China
Originally posted by Ct2220:至于�光耀的功与过,对与错 对他�讲,都���了。
ä»–çš„æ—¶ä»£ï¼Œä»–éž èº¬å°½ç˜�çš„ä¸ºä»–æœ€çˆ±çš„æ–°åŠ å�¡å°½äº†ä»–一生的最大努力。
ä¸�é”™ï¼Œæ˜¯æˆ‘ä»¬æ–°åŠ å�¡å»ºå›½ç¬¬ä¸€ä»£çš„许许多多政界领导,贫民百姓,è€�大爷,è€�阿嘛,建立起æ�¥çš„。
æˆ‘ä»¬æ·±æ·±çš„å¸Œæœ›ï¼Œè¿™ä¸€åˆ‡èƒ½å¤Ÿä¼ ä¸‹åŽ»ã€‚
我ä¸�希望“ç¹�è�£æ˜Œç››â€�çš„æ–°åŠ å�¡æˆ�为历å�²å��è¯�,就åƒ�当年俺拜访的亚洲第二ç»�济强国:è�²å¾‹å®¾ã€‚
Originally posted by Alvin87a:Yesterday took one 50+ old lj man at padang.
board cab say he stay at hk 10
recently just back sg n bring mim to hosipital
keep saying how great pap n lky did for sg
How grateful he is n how many hrs he wait there
i say no much but only yes.....hmmm...yes!
i agreed/grateful most of the thing lky did for sg too!
But only u got benefit from it...u will say pap good!
some get hurt from it....will fxxk pap!
U can stay hk n got condo at sg...u sure say good lah!
But only agreed with u half of it!
He say:so u belong that 39%ungrateful singaporean!
until he say:if i got $ i will never stay at sg n go to hk n stay;no $ then back sg stay!
i told him:i m totaly different from u!
rich or poor or got war,i will never left my country n fight along side with all our ppl here!
he angry liao n say sg td all r lazy,keep on hide n sleep or sit at coffee shop,
not like hk td so hardworking...
pap should throw all to hk n try/feel for it.
I told him i dun want to continus on this topic n stop here!
Fxxk.....fake sg supporter!
How to depend on him!!
it a fact this this piece of shit form part of the 60.01%.. the rest probably consist
of elderly, blind, stupid, heartless, selfish n many others..
Originally posted by bowah:但在 sg taxi driving,我看到许多�鬼�教年轻车�机,有的甚至�他们到�兰,..妈妈迪
å�Žå…„弟,其实这是我们å�Žäººæˆ–者应该说是东方人的“优良”ä¼ ç»Ÿã€‚
å¸ˆå‚…ä¼ å¾’å¼Ÿéƒ½è‚¯å®šç•™ä¸€ä¸¤æ‹›ï¼Œæˆ�里æˆ�å¤–éƒ½ä¸€æ ·ï¼Œè¿™ä¹Ÿå°±æ˜¯ä¸ºä»€ä¹ˆä¸å›½ä¸Žå�°åº¦æœ‰5000多年的历å�²ï¼Œä¸ºä»€ä¹ˆå�´æ¯”ä¸�上å�ªæœ‰200年历å�²çš„美国。
ä½ çœ‹é¬¼ä½¬ï¼Œä»–ä»¬æœ‰ç¥žé©¬æ–°çš„ç§‘ç ”æˆ�就马上å�‘表,分享。
Originally posted by bowah:
Ct 兄弟..我们的长辈们辛勤劳动,é�å�—给我们生活在一个好地方,所以我们也必须负责 留下一个未æ�¥ï¼Œè‰¯å¥½çš„é�“路给我们年轻的人民生活...是我们的责任。
但全世界的çƒè¡€é�’å¹´éƒ½ä¸€æ ·ï¼Œæ°¸è¿œä¸�满自己的祖辈留下的制度,隔å£�墙å�¦ä¸€ç«¯çš„è�‰æ°¸è¿œæ¯”较绿。
ä¿ºæœ‰å‡ ä½�è�²å¾‹å®¾çš„朋å�‹å¹´è½»æ—¶ï¼Œå°±æ˜¯çƒè¡€é�’年,当时把马å�¯æ–¯æŽ¨ç¿»çš„å¦è¿�,他们都å�‚与有分。
å…¶ä¸ä¸€ä½�,年åˆ�åˆ°æ–°åŠ å�¡æŽ¢è®¿ä»–çš„å©å�时,俺在榴莲剧场æ—�çš„Makan Sutra 请他å�ƒé¥ã€‚
ä»–ç�°è‚ æ„Ÿå�¹çš„说了:I was the one that nail him to the cross (我是其ä¸ä¸€ä¸ªæŠŠä»–~马å�¯æ–¯é’‰åœ¨å��å—架上的å¦è¿�分å�)。
今天上å¸�惩罚我了,他的两个å©å�åœ¨æ–°åŠ å�¡ï¼Œä¸€ä¸ªå„¿å�在沙地,一个女儿在挪å¨�,两个在美国。