Ayo, Bro you are driving BLUE, why like that.
You think you are really Terminator.
Sooooon, you will Kena Terminated.
bro CT i recently change shirt colour.
change until i lost my identity haha....
but still a TD..... haaa.
Sad to say, according to bola, taxi 100% at fault
cdg will view camera footage, and driver prepare to graduate from cdg if found negligent
even though the videos show that the driver is taking her own sweet time to move like a tortoise.... maybe she's looking for directions or something else....
the TD should have slow down mah....before cutting in....haa.
20km/hr also cant stop in time???
better go ride bicycle........dun endanger other road user lah!
(endanger....tio spelling bo?got this word bo??hahaha...)