Last time when reporters write about TD, many taxi drivers said.."Come drive and see, talk so much for fark, you never drive a you know how to write, these degrees holder really think they know everything?"
So, now, due to low business in paper and state times, even the once powerful SPH is on it kneel, bo bian,..journalist hv to come out to drive taxi so as to attract reader and at the same time, tested being a taxi driver. And why choose TD? because TD ho jiak mah, easy to bully, somemore all lau lau ai koon ai koon will not go sue him.
If you ask him to try bus..later bus driver go on strike, he should go try to be roadside worker, and write about the life of those indian working in the road side, maybe that can be more interesting..but then contractors of those indian might sue him. So the best is still TDs...the 10 mouths 10 axxholes