There are new speed cameras installed along PIE near Eng Neo Ave Exit, whether to replace the old rectangle box along PIE ( near BKE exit ) have not been confirm.
I have seen flashes from the new camera this early morning although not offically in operation.
Please tune your speed to 80km on this new location.
next time drive picanto taxi can liao.........
Originally posted by Sotongking73:next time drive picanto taxi can liao.........
New eyes everywhere
Thomson road, SLE bu si wu. People see camera jam break on lane 1 and nearly kissed the karchng. For our ricebowl, dun anyhow speed. sibei alot of camera.
Hi sorry for hijacking this post #newuser, but im in need of some advice. I received a traffic offence letter 2 weeks ago stating i had been speeding (Exceeding speed limit on a road by 41 to 50 kilometres per hour). i was given 12 demerit points but on the letter it showed 0$ fine. Is this because i will be summon to court to see what the judge will say??
Need some knowlegde from the drivers here.
Originally posted by TTan65:There are new speed cameras installed along PIE near Eng Neo Ave Exit, whether to replace the old rectangle box along PIE ( near BKE exit ) have not been confirm.
I have seen flashes from the new camera this early morning although not offically in operation.
Please tune your speed to 80km on this new location.
Originally posted by CarpeDiem92:Hi sorry for hijacking this post #newuser, but im in need of some advice. I received a traffic offence letter 2 weeks ago stating i had been speeding (Exceeding speed limit on a road by 41 to 50 kilometres per hour). i was given 12 demerit points but on the letter it showed 0$ fine. Is this because i will be summon to court to see what the judge will say??
Need some knowlegde from the drivers here.
So sorry to hear abt your plight, if you are a taxi driver, mostly will be given 12 pts and S$500.00 fine , many taxi drivers kenna b4, but if drive pte car , i dunno, so sorry