Last week, a Trans-Cab driver, Ngiam Meng Keng, 60, was jailed two years for 'causing wrongful restraint while molesting' a student in the backseat.
It was not his first conviction for molest. In December 2013, he was fined $3,000 on two counts of molesting a girl, 19.
A Straits Times reader, writing in the Forum page, asked why Trans-Can was unaware that its cabby had been convicted last year, and why the company allowed him to continue driving until he committed another office in May this year.
He also asked another good question: Why the LTA did not revoke his taxi driving licence after the first offence?
The Forum writer also wondered why there was no coordination between the courts and LTA to alert taxi companies of cabbies with criminal offences.
Alamak, like this how to go IPO??