A sports entertainment festival comprising of top-class tennis tournaments and lifestyle activities within the Singapore Sports Hub and the city.
Huat time for TDs??
Originally posted by luckycabby:A sports entertainment festival comprising of top-class tennis tournaments and lifestyle activities within the Singapore Sports Hub and the city.
Huat time for TDs??
how muchy can u huat???
stick to fixed routine to achieve fixed target...
i dont like surprises to affect my fixed target. XD
Huat???? Just do it---drive....
Originally posted by Diablo9898:Huat???? Just do it---drive....
Ya, I know TDs very hard to huat. Can only fetch one at a time. It is a super labour intensive job.
No wonder LKY once said something like "If you don't study hard, you will end up as a taxi driver....".
Bugger, I studied hard, still ended up as a taxi driver (but sideline nia, heng ah).
Actually TDs are doing a good public service - help to ferry people safely home or from one place to another in cool comfort.
What's so bad about being a farking TD?
How hard have you studied??? At most also degree only.... Don't tell me you master degree also have to drive taxi as side line??? If that's the case, something must be fucking seriously wrong with Spore liao....
But still credit to you, not only you studied hard, you also hard hard..kudos to you...keep it up..
Nothing bad about taxi driver... maybe just maybe...Spore TD could be moving to the direction in the way London taxi works.....
We do not have to follow their patterns of allowing foreigners to drive taxis...Not feasible in terms of safety aspect....
Bro, like it or not,,, today's era unlike your time era.... first thing before you are even granted for the interview... is their jobs description and requirements...
If you do not have the papers, and just send in your resume...chances are they will delete you emails... Face it, bro....
I agree with the sentence.. is not what you study, is whether you can deliver or not...
But how to deliver when you are not even given a chance to when you can't even step into their building entrance because of no paper qualification for certain posts....
And please, don't even start using Keppel as an example.....where they can climb the ladder when they do not have the papers...mind you, they also need to upgrade before they can even see the ladder....
Originally posted by bowah:No lah, today, in first talk later, 3 month probation, if cannot, plse, the door and gate are open.
The public sector had long been a strait jacket sector with no flexibility, why? because of paper chasing rather than good IQ and skilful. So behind those desk you see in any govt sector, sit a person with the same mindset as the computer infront of him. When that computer command him to move, he moved. He moved up thru courses, degrees and many other soft diplomas or courses, he get promoted not because he work out or bring out something benefit to the society or the companies’ profit , but because he got that paper, which is meaningless if you cannot function.
10 business peoples in Singapore…8 do not hv degrees, 5 do not have diploma, and 3 only primary school education. From Kopitam towkay to car tyre shops bosses to fish soup hawker to boon tong kee or tien tien chicken rice…and so on…their objectives is to make their wares good, not chasing after paper.
In private sector, as what deng xiao peng said, white cat or black cat, I dun give a damn, as long as the cat can catch mouse, it is a good cat. So, to any bosses in the private sector is as long as you can deliver and bring profit to the company, I WANT YOU, can give you director or MD whatever title you want…just like TDs, as long as you can bring money home…lau char bor careless how you drive?? or that you go take courses or call bak bak..
You are missing the point. Of course if a staff is good and can bring in sales, who cares what fark paper he got.
The issue is when you interview candidates for a job, how will you know he is good? Based on what he says or write in the resume? Like that, most taxi drivers will pass the interview cos 99% are all cannon fairies.
So, most bosses fall back on the paper qualifications first as the only objective evidence that the guy has achieved something. Of course, if later on cannot perform, then out he goes lah.
Why some business ppl got no paper and yet are successful? Cos they got nothing to lose and got no other options. But you go ask them, 99% will wish they had a degree. They will always feel that this is missing in their otherwise successful life. That's why 100% of them will make sure their children have a degree, local or overseas.
Those with degrees will not want to venture into risky business cos they dun want to face uncertainties and failures when they can have a good job after graduation. If they can rise up to be CEOs and CFOs of MNCs, why not?
Dun talk cock lah..how many Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jack Mah are there in this world of 6 billion people?
It is easier to get a degree and look for a stable job than to have no degree and struggle to set up a successful business.
Which parent in Singapore tell their children "No need study hard. Stop after PSLE. You will become a successful businessman like Steve Jobs"?
Be honest to yourself.
Most will say, "If you dun study, you will become a road sweeper or taxi driver next time".
He's not talking cock lah.... He's just living in his own world with his opinion whereby everyone have to follow what he say.... If I'm not wrong, he's still stuck in the 50s, 60s or maybe 70s era where eduation is not that important.... The ppl he mentioned are from that era...
So if we were to follow his preach, we can tell our younger generation not to study... Study so hard for fuck... go be and look like 1 idiot and he could be the next Jack Mah
Even got CT involve, don't need lah...
Let's get everyone here involve lah.. Given a choice, would anyone prefer to be a better life TD or a farking stressed up (and maybe no sex life) CFO or CEO?????
I only said you still stuck in your era nia hor....
Again, don't compare the West and the East lah... diferent cultural and metalility...
The problem with diploma and degree is that most do not put their qulification to good use... Look at most of the Regulars in our be it Police force ao Army force.. Is it relevant to their studies??? But still, it is a pre-requisite. meaning must have qulification in order to even step into their office for interview....
Experience... Something that you can only have if you are given the chance to work and learn...
Hands on.... Same as the above....
So in all, must have the pre-requisite which is what???
Talk about logistics har... Yes, I will only look at experience when I'm not able to short-list potential candidates, but very unlikely cause most will have diplomas or degrees in our line... Simply because, no one else can be blamed other than yourself if you do not chose to upgrade your qualification and be that highly sought after person that the rest is looking for...
Please don't streotype lah... TD really stagnated meh... For the old, maybe lor.. But for the youngsters... Don't belittle them lah...
KNN lah...I won't get personal (even if i want, it won't be you lah..)
A lot of young paxs asked me... TD good $$$ or not... I told them, do part time (if you can take it) and it's good money... Full time?? you really have to think very hard before you jump in..
I've my degree and doing PT TD to pay some study debts and hoping also to earn some study fee (hopefully i still have the passion) for my Master... If able to graduate,,, hopefully can do PT lecturer....
Originally posted by Diablo9898:KNN lah...I won't get personal (even if i want, it won't be you lah..)
A lot of young paxs asked me... TD good $$$ or not... I told them, do part time (if you can take it) and it's good money... Full time?? you really have to think very hard before you jump in..
I've my degree and doing PT TD to pay some study debts and hoping also to earn some study fee (hopefully i still have the passion) for my Master... If able to graduate,,, hopefully can do PT lecturer....