Malaysia sure got ball lah, they got nothing to loose mah, bus driver how much paid only, furthermore they got land and farm to back them..if thing cannot work, just baleh kampong, plant jagong lor.
For Singaporean, go back got nothing hor, only the four HDB wall, each will think thrice, they may cancel yr driving licence, taxi licence and housing leasing right, the price to pay is much higher than our malaysia brothers hor…so someone said
Sg taxis should go on strike by not entering CBD, we demand higher fare and lower rental, I can agree and chiong with it, but when I strike, no one follow due to the above reasoning, then you can visit me at Changi resort liao.
Now u know why taxi liberalise into few companies, one of the main reason is let you all not close and not coperative among each other, and it works, can see this taxi chief argue with that taxi lau, and even ex taxi driver also come and argue for the sake of argueing, like this how to be together as a team?? end up taxi companies bosses and govt laughing all the way to the bank