might be your problem. u beat the red light.
Be prepared to have 12 points deducted and $200 donation to state fund. You have 30 days to pay at AXS but you can appeal but chances very slim. You can try again and again until 12 months later. By then your points will revert to 24 . Good luck and drive safe.
Hmm based on your video....given that speed y u dont slow down and stop?? Lazy right??
Indeed the cam took the pic but still quite subjective... its still amber when u hit the last arrow...so maybe can argue. You turn when its red. Haha. Well if u reach last arrow when red and turn, u really gg.
Fm the timing in the video u kena at 4am plus??
aiyo tis timing can cruise like the rd belongs to us leh
bo lang wan,sayang leh if kena....
From your cam, reaching traffic junction, you never slow down, indeed you accelerate more.....
You don't even got the intention to slow down.....
How to pity you?.....
You just test the efficiency of the latest TP digital camera !
If the camera is on your right 100% kenna
if the camera is on your left, base on the angle of your vehicle when the camera flash, it may not capture your number plate
Good Luck !
there's another lorry turning left on my left side which was behind me. so the camera kenna him or me? or kenna both of us???
I heard (dunno it's true or not)... Right turn with green arrow flashing won't kena red light camera... but left turn (red light with green arrow flashing) will kena if you turn (consider beating red light)...
In this case , I hope it's true lah then Bro alexkidd won't kena lor...
Anyone experienced getting summons for beating red light while turning right at any junction with camera (in green arrow hor)???
Originally posted by alexkidd:there's another lorry turning left on my left side which was behind me. so the camera kenna him or me? or kenna both of us???
If it's the same timing, then chances are kenna him....
Originally posted by alexkidd:there's another lorry turning left on my left side which was behind me. so the camera kenna him or me? or kenna both of us???
Went back see the camera just now. The camera is also facing about 45 degree to the left. So i assume it will flash at left turn and going straight...
Got lorry behind you means safe lah. You never mention the lorry. Because that junction I almost everyday will use to pick up my wife at fortune center. Red liao will delay a few seconds then will flash. I saw before those bus turn left when it's red because they stuck in between because those CB people red still crossing the road. So bus will kanna flash but after say 2-3 seconds.
Originally posted by alexkidd:Went back see the camera just now. The camera is also facing about 45 degree to the left. So i assume it will flash at left turn and going straight...
Originally posted by bowah:Victoria, bugis, rochor side, dun play play, this one transport and home ministers also mentioned to be super on the ball, so many bad accident happened including the ferari, the whole road was ordered to straightened with new traffic lights, cameras and widened.
Bo bian brother, just keep yr finger cross, in the meantime, dun be demoralise, especially from old bird like keepthechange words..very demoralising advice.
For me, it is part and parcel of a learning curve in taxi driving, not only you, many of us have kenna before, and we learned the hard lesson, take it as experience gained and drive on.
Ya, TS ka ka post video, than I ka ka gong lor.....
Si beh cham, don't know that lorry got forum to go ask for help or not.....
Arbo, must go drive for Über liao.....
Originally posted by alexkidd:Went back see the camera just now. The camera is also facing about 45 degree to the left. So i assume it will flash at left turn and going straight...
My understanding is it's more interested in those going straight than turning.
but u went on a shared lane, so I think u got 50/50 chance
i think chances smaller if u used inner left lane as based on a personal experience once, left/right turning do not have sensor on the road(what the io told me) as some vehicles maybe delayed for some reason to complete a turning. But shared lane, or go straight lane, it's a different story.
but if TP can kill two birds with one stone, why not?
go check axs machine a week later and see if your record is there.
this is my routine each time I go toilet at petrol kiosk, every few days check to prepare yourself to pay fines, if any. Don't have, any, it's bonus
update us again
TS, got kenna or not?