Hi, the new cabcharge card which only shows tap and go. I encountered last night when i was ferrying a pax. He gave me a new cabcharge card but i vividly remembered the existing card has the micosim card which can slot into the machine to deduct but the new card cant be use. Very funny. I tried all sorts of transactions but all declined.
anyone encounter before?
Aiya, CDG will keep cumming out all kind of pattern to suit passenger.....
But not the TD lor.....
Somemore order you to accept hor, cannot reject.....
Old cards u need to swipe
where got chip??
newer ones just tap and go
Originally posted by bowah:Tap n go or swipe or slot in…as long as approved, said thank you and buzz off liao
I guess the coy gave him the new card but havent activate it yet.....
Fucking hell, more work for CDG drivers
must hit NO then total amount appear
Originally posted by j007:Fucking hell, more work for CDG drivers
must hit NO then total amount appear
Ya la damm irritating
press n press
Like we so free
then some fingers too dry, lick abit then press. knn
like those at checkpoints.
Originally posted by Samsun:then some fingers too dry, lick abit then press. knn
like those at checkpoints.
Originally posted by decent02:TDs now jin jialat.
Pax gives $50 … not happy … going cashless … also not happy :p
Only when throw key than will be happy....
Originally posted by Samsun:then some fingers too dry, lick abit then press. knn
like those at checkpoints.
dont say la..sometimes mdt box can go crazy one....suddenly hang....then have to do master reset....all data gone. OMFG. but the hanging part, only happen once in 3 months. So lan lan suck thumb.
Originally posted by bowah:At least MDT takes 3 months to go crazy, knn, TDs on the road 3 hrs already crazy liao
TDs on the road 3 hrs already crazy liao? because cannot stop to go toilet?
Mai lai. haha.
Limpek alarm ring, go crazy liao.....
After 3 pax, want to punch people liao.....
Originally posted by Elginang:TDs on the road 3 hrs already crazy liao? because cannot stop to go toilet?
Mai lai. haha.
Ya, at home got 1 lau char bor ask me ai mai? Free somemore......
"Tired la", "no mood la"......
Than outside Bak Bak ask $30 ai mai?.....
Knn straight Mari Kita.....
bak bak always nice to do one la. different taste mah. new challenges.