Dear Cabbies
Recently, one of our cabbies had an unfortunate encounter where the rear
bumper of his taxi caught fire. The said cabby had reversed into a parking
lot while waiting for his passenger without knowing that there were dried
grass and leaves under the exhaust pipe. Due to the recent dry season, the
heat of the exhaust pipe had set off a small fire from the dried grass and
leaves. The taxi was damaged as shown in the picture attached. It was
fortunate that the cabby was safe but suffered losses on his operating
hours and money.
In view of this incident, our management wishes to remind all cabbies to
be vigilant while parking your taxi. Keep a look out of the surrounding
of the parking lot and avoid parking near any object that is flammable. It
is always a good practice to switch off your engine if you need to wait.
Remember that It is not only an offence by National Environment Agency
(NEA) to leave your engine idling when stationary but leaving your engine
idling will cause soot to build up that can cause damage to your engine
and cut down the effectiveness of your engine performance.
Thank you.
What company? Where got picture?
Originally posted by hammerhammer8888:What company? Where got picture?
think is citycab
Burn tio burn lor.....
Not our car what.....
Originally posted by uaskforit:Do not switch off the engine when on call sign on roof top.
Arrived at pick up pt,pax asked u to wait for an extra 5 5 min is a bit too long, switched off engine,
When u on engine again,it will be green taxi sign,no more on call red light.
Which coy you driving?....
CDG roof top, those newer version(very bright type) got link la....
Only those older version (very dim type, mostly crown and old merc) cannot link....
On call who says cannot off engine?
If after midnight to early morning tio call at those ulu ulu private estate.....
You can try don't off engine.....
Than the dogs bark from everywhere.....