You lj la.....
1 look already know you origin from 3426.....
You post we reply, simple as that....
Why? Want to like my ex chief start calling people to fall in?.....
Before you want to do that, make sure you are able to handle in real life.....
Arbo, end result always will be the same......
knn, you all always under estimate sgforums, this forum been around since 99, limpek still chiong sua that time......
15 years in the history, what make you think that you can know everyone over here?.....
knn la, I hate it when people always think that they could understand forum very well.....
just post la.....
knn..wu ang kong boh? U toking about "Dash" issit?
Originally posted by Taxilim88:knn..wu ang kong boh? U toking about "Dash" issit?
Bro ar, bro, yes I address you as bro unless otherwise stated.....
Lu kian tio ho, Mai kay kian.....
Why this morning I purposely log in to LJ you? Becos your �狸 tail finally shown and telling us your real intention cumming over here.....
Only forumers who encounter last year "big" event in 3426, than will post those minor minor detail of what's going on......
Than just becos 1802 still on going, than everyone over here becum clones?.....
You LJ ok!......
Let me tell you a true fact, that swee char bor si beh tulan taxi drivers 1, you think after 3426 saga, she will start to like 1802? LJ ok, she waiting nia.....
Limpek start a few thread tio deleted, you know or not? Don't know right, becos she forever monitoring over here......
You think she won't expose us and malu us if we create different nicks to post here? You wait long long ok......
I have say before, forum is like a 真真�� world, you want reality, go outside, go join palringo, go join all kind of grouping, than when things not right, jio 1 to 1 la......
After 3426 saga, with or without forum, limpek still happily living my daily routine, but since got people still want to tcss here, than tcss lor, got time, just do it lor, you think like my ex chief, smlj want money return for spending time here? LJ again ok, nobody point a gun must post here you know.......
And let me tell you this again, there's only a handful of TD jiak ba Jin eng post in 3426, I estimated around 100plus nia, so don't ever think that TD forum is big fark, not even 1-100 of total TDVL holders......
And whatever written here or 3426 or even my ex chief new playground don't represent anything at all......
Understand!!!!! Cpl!!! I don't think your army rank can be higher than this, don't say I look down on you, army obviously never teach you how to do intelligent work becos your rank don't need to......
Before I log out, let me put this thread up again.....
When posting forum, 1 must feel comfortable, like chit chatting like that.....
Never in forum, I will ask "who are you?", so what you clones 3,4 account to have fun, while posting, I also will have fun.....
If we follow TD forum long enough, long meaning at least 2011 and above, because this period is the peak of 3426, don't believe, go read back again if too free.....
All kind of characters is there.....
Than you will understand each and every of those è€�å—å�·, and most of those still here today.....
And their way of writing and knowledge they have, won't do those kind of clone clone things.....
As for me, when no saga to stir, clone smlj? Jiak ba so free?.....
So in other word, what I mean is �贼喊�贼?.....
me also kena?
u never see me post at 3426 b4 meh?
i also know tis farker is clone earlier
but just no time to entertain
i think he belongs to the "last post n gd bye group"
Originally posted by getcarter:me also kena?
u never see me post at 3426 b4 meh?
i also know tis farker is clone earlier
but just no time to entertain
i think he belongs to the "last post n gd bye group"
Bro, u good leh.. u know he's clone...
Me not clone hor..don't tekan me hor...
If we are old and meet at old folks home.....
Than limpek ask you, "xiao ah, limpek si keepthechange".....
You still got strength to 打我 bo?.....
Originally posted by bowah:keepthechange…who keepthechange??? i dunno, please dun disturb me, I enjoying my time with my pinoy caretaker
Still can stand bo???
Originally posted by bowah:Can lah, now got Viagra extra liao
Don't take too much...die earlier...