Yesterday went for a call there, security guard say cannot wait, must go round, knn then if pax still haven't turn up, then how many rounds Must I go round? 20xs?stupid management!
Aiyo, give and take la....
Take CBD call must kian kian take la.....
See office phone, than don't need to kan chiong go in, if pax knn work in 50floor, at least will take 10-15min to reach lobby hor, imagine taking lift down after he know got gong gong TD confirm his call.....
If see hp number, chances are the pax at taxi queue liao, but some pax might use hp to call while in the office also, so same same don't need to kan chiong.....
If pian time, pax die die also will look out for your cab like giraffe like that, long long neck searching.....
So why need to kan chiong, let's say you confirm 5min job, arrive at least -5 to -10 min, when no show button out liao, you should know what I mean lor.....
Than if no pian time, take call for fark? Dang tio pax put aeroplane, is it?.....
Security guards just doing their job, why get angry with them.....
TS first time go ORQ ?
dun you know PEAK hours no waiting ?
Other hours can wait lah ...
Originally posted by Keepthechange666:Aiyo, give and take la....
Take CBD call must kian kian take la.....
See office phone, than don't need to kan chiong go in, if pax knn work in 50floor, at least will take 10-15min to reach lobby hor, imagine taking lift down after he know got gong gong TD confirm his call.....
If see hp number, chances are the pax at taxi queue liao, but some pax might use hp to call while in the office also, so same same don't need to kan chiong.....
some security are like dogs at the gate, when need u will wag their tail, smile and call u sir and ask can go here or there..... but when don't need u will bark to turn u away..... calls from certain hotels, condo, office and factory cannot take one, here cannot park, there cannot park, knn.... there moment no show can be approve, let them f spiders, when pax call, ask him to refer to the dogs at the gate ..........
Originally posted by Keepthechange666:If pian time, pax die die also will look out for your cab like giraffe like that, long long neck searching.....
So why need to kan chiong, let's say you confirm 5min job, arrive at least -5 to -10 min, when no show button out liao, you should know what I mean lor.....
Than if no pian time, take call for fark? Dang tio pax put aeroplane, is it?.....
you guys see what i mean about lj lang tcss? not a td, cmi as td, but now want to become like a chief of sifu? teach you press 5 min? knn la, 5 min plus another 5 min for no show = 10 min. Other coy even longer. you want to learn from this kuku bird? put the minimum time if you from cdg, dun fark care let the pax wait, if u reach after 3 mins maybe you wait another 1-2 min for no show. but best is dont take call suka suka. find the quality pax first. certain place cannot take call one must ban one. let them rot this place. 1RQ how long oredeay cannot go except maybe certain timing. CBD got so many plce u still want to go 1RQ? If learn from the kuku bird, they will say can. If learn from experienced tds, you will say let them rot, I go cali makan first.
somebody name already sotong u want to follow this kind of sotong, wait you oso become blur like sotong. everything must learn the hard way, soemtime learn oready like sotong will do same mistake again. learn from proper td never make the mistake in the 1st place, tio boh? sure wont become sotong kia, maybe become a small fish first later become bigger fish will cali makan where bigger fish oso go to cali makan. That is how you improve not by following a blur sotong. 5 year drive oso still a sotong, will say my name now sotong king, lj la, you sotong king sotong queen or bbq sotong, you still a sotong!!!
ORQ started this chasing away of td so lots of td don't take calls from there anymore, let their people rot. Just opposite is MBFC. Take from there lah.
Asia Square see and follow. But their pax more vocal, complain complain and complain. So now we can wait there again.
So let ORQ rot except during pian time.
yah,let those paxs there rot,it's not our fault but the management!
so glad that i was being noticed and worth the attention......
Originally posted by Sotongking73:some security are like dogs at the gate, when need u will wag their tail, smile and call u sir and ask can go here or there..... but when don't need u will bark to turn u away..... calls from certain hotels, condo, office and factory cannot take one, here cannot park, there cannot park, knn.... there moment no show can be approve, let them f spiders, when pax call, ask him to refer to the dogs at the gate ..........
That's why I never get angry with those security guard 1, including the 1 below your this post.....
Originally posted by Terry Young:ORQ started this chasing away of td so lots of td don't take calls from there anymore, let their people rot. Just opposite is MBFC. Take from there lah.
Asia Square see and follow. But their pax more vocal, complain complain and complain. So now we can wait there again.
So let ORQ rot except during pian time.
with the road diversion, its going to be worse for ORQ
some pax see TD like dogs, always waiting for its owner, wagging its tail
Originally posted by Sotongking73:so glad that i was being noticed and worth the attention......
Shiok right?.....
Knn, last time limpek against hundred, lagi shiok.....
Originally posted by j007:with the road diversion, its going to be worse for ORQ
some pax see TD like dogs, always waiting for its owner, wagging its tail
You all still don't know how to die.....
Currently Downtown line only open 6 station.....
When fully completed.....
Plus Bukit Timah line ready.....
You will see ExLV queueing at ORQ hor, not on call hor.....
Originally posted by j007:with the road diversion, its going to be worse for ORQ
some pax see TD like dogs, always waiting for its owner, wagging its tail