[Smoker] cabby Beware of T2 Tei Gou 地牛。
Recently numbers of Day Shift TD kena caught by the 地牛
(NEA: Enforcement Officer) smoking in their Cab.
And the offence carry a fine of SGD 200 (Not LTA S$30)
Normally these 地牛 will work in a group of four.
Recently there are two group of NEA 地牛 work together in T2 (7 Man and 1 Lady)
They will hide in somewhere with Digicam, after shot all the Evidence and Taxi number, they will go into the carpark and start catching the cabbies and on the spot issues tickets to the cabby.
got more NEA volunteers to free up their enforcement officers for the real job mah...
Sir! 1st time offence $300 fine.....
NEA don't catch offence for smoking in cab, they catch you when you "dispose" your cig butts on the floor.....
Littering offence.....
And if repeated offenders, chances of CWO hor.....
What is CWO, go find out yourself.....
Originally posted by Keepthechange666:Sir! 1st time offence $300 fine.....
NEA don't catch offence for smoking in cab, they catch you when you "dispose" your cig butts on the floor.....
Littering offence.....
And if repeated offenders, chances of CWO hor.....
What is CWO, go find out yourself.....
Dun belief, These few days, Those day shift TD, In T2, Let's try to smoke inside your cab.
See whom catch you, LTA or NEA ????
Then you come and answer me.
Originally posted by Ct2220:Dun belief, These few days, Those day shift TD, In T2, Let's try to smoke inside your cab.
See whom catch you, LTA or NEA ????
Then you come and answer me.
My friend really tio....
At Terminal 1, just 2 weeks ago.....
NEA catch him for throwing cig butt, he was smoking inside the cab....
$300 fine for 1st offender....
He say was so farking malu....
The officer take his own sweet time to issue summon, many TD drive pass him and try to ask him what happen.....
Originally posted by Keepthechange666:My friend really tio....
At Terminal 1, just 2 weeks ago.....
NEA catch him for throwing cig butt, he was smoking inside the cab....
$300 fine for 1st offender....
1. When will the extension of the ban kick in?
The extension of the ban will begin on 15 January 2013.
2. Where are the areas coming under the extended ban?
The extension covers common areas of residential buildings such as common corridors, staircases, stairwells and void decks as well as multi-purpose halls, covered walkways and linkways, all pedestrian overhead bridges, 5 metres from the edge of bus stops and hospital outdoor compounds.
3. How do I know if these areas are covered under the ban?
Members of the public will be informed of the areas covered under the ban via media platforms such as TV, radio, print and outdoor (i.e. posters at bus shelters). Where practical, signage will also be put up. We will also be working with our community partners to increase awareness of the ban. The full list of the prohibited areas is available at our website.
4. What can I do if I see someone smoking at these prohibited areas?
We encourage members of the public to inform the smoker graciously that he/she is smoking in a prohibited area and that he/she should finish the cigarette elsewhere. If the smoker does not heed the advice or the member of public has witnessed repeated violations by the same smoker and/or by a group of smokers at the same location, they are advised to report the incident to NEA at 1800-2255 632 for our follow-up action. We would like to encourage all in the community to do their part for a cleaner and healthier Singapore for all to enjoy.
5. How much is the fine for smoking at prohibited areas?
An individual who is caught smoking in a prohibited place is liable on conviction to a fine of $200. If convicted in court, the offender may be liable to a fine of up to $1,000.
6. Why is there a need to extend the areas?
Tobacco use is the single largest cause of preventable death in the world. It is also a key risk factor for cancer, heart diseases, stroke and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), the top causes of death among Singaporeans. There is no safe level of exposure to second-hand smoke, which contributes to a range of serious and often fatal diseases, including heart disease, respiratory illness and lung and other cancers. With the majority (86%) of Singapore’s adult population being non-smokers, it is necessary to protect the public from the harmful effects of second hand smoke.
7. Where can smokers smoke then?
Smoking is allowed in the following areas*:
(*Specific facilities or buildings located in these areas, e.g. restaurants and 5 metres from entrances to buildings will still fall within a smoking prohibited area. Smoking is also banned in queues formed in any of these areas. )
This being said, we encourage smokers to exercise their own discretion to consider whether the place they are lighting up are areas where people congregate or an area where other members of public will not be able to avoid second-hand smoke.
- See more at: http://app2.nea.gov.sg/public-health/smoking/faq-for-smoking-ban-extension#sthash.8nIxhrw6.dpuf
Originally posted by Ct2220:FAQ for Smoking Ban Extension
FAQs - Smoking Ban Extension (updated as at 15 January 2013)
1. When will the extension of the ban kick in?The extension of the ban will begin on 15 January 2013.
2. Where are the areas coming under the extended ban?
The extension covers common areas of residential buildings such as common corridors, staircases, stairwells and void decks as well as multi-purpose halls, covered walkways and linkways, all pedestrian overhead bridges, 5 metres from the edge of bus stops and hospital outdoor compounds.
3. How do I know if these areas are covered under the ban?
Members of the public will be informed of the areas covered under the ban via media platforms such as TV, radio, print and outdoor (i.e. posters at bus shelters). Where practical, signage will also be put up. We will also be working with our community partners to increase awareness of the ban. The full list of the prohibited areas is available at our website.
4. What can I do if I see someone smoking at these prohibited areas?
We encourage members of the public to inform the smoker graciously that he/she is smoking in a prohibited area and that he/she should finish the cigarette elsewhere. If the smoker does not heed the advice or the member of public has witnessed repeated violations by the same smoker and/or by a group of smokers at the same location, they are advised to report the incident to NEA at 1800-2255 632 for our follow-up action. We would like to encourage all in the community to do their part for a cleaner and healthier Singapore for all to enjoy.
5. How much is the fine for smoking at prohibited areas?
An individual who is caught smoking in a prohibited place is liable on conviction to a fine of $200. If convicted in court, the offender may be liable to a fine of up to $1,000.
6. Why is there a need to extend the areas?
Tobacco use is the single largest cause of preventable death in the world. It is also a key risk factor for cancer, heart diseases, stroke and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), the top causes of death among Singaporeans. There is no safe level of exposure to second-hand smoke, which contributes to a range of serious and often fatal diseases, including heart disease, respiratory illness and lung and other cancers. With the majority (86%) of Singapore’s adult population being non-smokers, it is necessary to protect the public from the harmful effects of second hand smoke.
7. Where can smokers smoke then?
Smoking is allowed in the following areas*:
- Approved smoking rooms at entertainment outlets
- Approved smoking corners at outdoor refreshment areas of food establishments
- Beaches
- Open public spaces (e.g. Marina Promenade)
- Open space in residential estates
- Open space in town centres
- Parks and Park Connectors, excluding Nature Reserves, Singapore Botanic Gardens, HortPark, Gardens by the Bay, Admiralty Park, Bedok Reservoir Park and Neighbourhood Park located next to Block 809 and 810 Yishun Ring Road and the playgrounds, fitness areas, shelters, toilets and any other areas within the parks and park connectors with "No Smoking" signs.
- Private vehicles (e.g. car), excluding private buses
- Residential Homes
- Surface carparks
- Uncovered areas of the top of multi-storey carparks
- Uncovered walkways
- Vacant land
(*Specific facilities or buildings located in these areas, e.g. restaurants and 5 metres from entrances to buildings will still fall within a smoking prohibited area. Smoking is also banned in queues formed in any of these areas. )
This being said, we encourage smokers to exercise their own discretion to consider whether the place they are lighting up are areas where people congregate or an area where other members of public will not be able to avoid second-hand smoke.
- See more at: http://app2.nea.gov.sg/public-health/smoking/faq-for-smoking-ban-extension#sthash.8nIxhrw6.dpuf
I know this ruling....
What I mean is, NEA officers when task to go airport taxi stand and catch TD, is not to catch smokers smoking inside cab.....
All along, we are not allow to smoke in non designated area mah.....
Littering offences not only on cig butt only, as long you throw something on the floor, that's it, my friend sway just nice he throw cig butt, but that officer never issue him summon for smoking in non designated area......
Very often, we will see TD throw drinking bag, plastic bag, tissue....etc out of our window while queueing at airport......