Becoming a SG Cab Driver could be rewarding. Its benefits & advantages outweigh over & above negative perception that comes along with being a Cab Driver.
Before any Cab Driver starts his / her cabby shift, there should always be a set of pre-planned targeted areas & targeted passengers, and its most ideal timing of securing that particular category of passengers.
No two working days are similar. Each day should include a slight variation over the previous day. Cruising over the same areas on the same driving time will definitely not lead to improved income's earnings. Driving during day shift is totally different from driving at night shift. And, driving during the weekdays is not as advantegous as driving during the weekends. This is especially true when there is a major festive shopping period.
I believe strongly that earning an income of $3k to $4k is highly achievable if a Cab Driver has meticulous planing over driving time, selected locations & targeted passengers. It's all about 3 Ms ...
(1) Macro-management of Driving Time,
(2) Meticulous planning of Driving Route,
(3) Maintaining self-discipline of Driving Passion.
TS purposely register to tell us his "fair comment"......
Wa Taxi driving oso got thesis ah ?
Talk is cheap. No matter how much planning a TD made, you cannot fight your destiny. Sometimes it can be luck and unforseen circumstances. Whatever the result after the end of the TD shift, just go home safely to your family. If the money collected is not enough there is always a tommorow.
TS is not a TD. Its just his 2 cents opinion driven by his theory. In reality it does not work that way.
select location... select passengers....
very good... v soon u kana fine by LTA lol
Smlj theory also no use. Ultimately just need 13 quality pax can already.
u cannot plan to the minute details,taxi driving is not rocket science.u think u like to drive,just formula or theory rqd.also sometimes depends on luck.some paxs go A/P or Tuas,depend on how u see it.
Plan smlj? Get out of carpark. Happy i turn left. Not v happy i turn right.
siao lah. Just roughly know and anticipate crowd at diff places and time can liao. The rest leave it to fate lah.
Plan so well. Out of carpark engine stall or kena langga. Also bo bian liao.
Originally posted by bowah:Must plan mah, but not to plan about turning right or left, must plan when to stop, where to eat, where to find bak bak with budget, then plan to drive at least 5 times within CBD..and so on.
uncle bowah.....u need 10 meh?
u get 10, will nett $100 liao leh....can find more bakbak?
Originally posted by FairComments:Becoming a SG Cab Driver could be rewarding. Its benefits & advantages outweigh over & above negative perception that comes along with being a Cab Driver.
Before any Cab Driver starts his / her cabby shift, there should always be a set of pre-planned targeted areas & targeted passengers, and its most ideal timing of securing that particular category of passengers.
No two working days are similar. Each day should include a slight variation over the previous day. Cruising over the same areas on the same driving time will definitely not lead to improved income's earnings. Driving during day shift is totally different from driving at night shift. And, driving during the weekdays is not as advantegous as driving during the weekends. This is especially true when there is a major festive shopping period.
I believe strongly that earning an income of $3k to $4k is highly achievable if a Cab Driver has meticulous planing over driving time, selected locations & targeted passengers. It's all about 3 Ms ...
(1) Macro-management of Driving Time,
(2) Meticulous planning of Driving Route,
(3) Maintaining self-discipline of Driving Passion.
And your point being?
Originally posted by bowah:Must plan mah, but not to plan about turning right or left, must plan when to stop, where to eat, where to find bak bak with budget, then plan to drive at least 5 times within CBD..and so on.
Plan where and when go toilet as well
Originally posted by bowah:Only once hit 10paxs, but must be daring, Q and interivew hor, then if sway sway knn plain cloth LTA, die cock standing liao.
But LTA I can see thru years of experience, they got that LTA look
Can describe LTA look?
Originally posted by j007:Can describe LTA look?