[TransCab] revised TW1.8/TW2.0 Hirer Monthly Incentives
Long Long Ago
No Relief Incenetive : $210 (Hirer w/o relief $7 x 30 days )
Don't KNow SMLJ Rebate : $40
(Bros that know what rebate is this Pls kindly enlighten me)
Road Tax Rebate : $15
Shui Shui Rental Payment : $400 (Never Otang more than 5 Continuous days)
No So Shui Rental Payment : $200 (Otang more than 5 days but less than 7 days)
Total: $210 + $40 + $15 + $400
==>> $665/= (TW 1.8 / TW2.0~SHD 5xxx)
=》 $565/= (TW2.0 SHD 9xxx)
Not So Long Ago.
All TW1.8 / TW2.0 SHD 5xxx revised and change to $565 same as TW2.0 SHD 9xxx
=> $ 565/=
Hearsay 1st Oct 2013 Start
All TW1.8 / TW 2.0 SHD 5xxx or SHD 9xxx
Monthly Incentives $500 ONLY.
Hearsay in Toh Guan CNG station, many Ah Lao KpKb want to go Defu throw keys.
Ah Huay Lan Pa Ke (王�马汉) Feed back to her,
She openly said in Defu Office: Lai Lai Lai, who want to throw key come,
Morning you throw key, Afternoon somebody else will take over your cab,
My waiting list go until end of Dec 2013 Liao.
What a Fish, All Taxi Companies suddenly become
Wah like that KNNBCCB I throw liao....getting lesser and lesser bo hua liao....Go drive limo better
Originally posted by hammerhammer8888:Wah like that KNNBCCB I throw liao....getting lesser and lesser bo hua liao....Go drive limo better
大师兄 ???
I have a few fan want to change to TW2.0 SHD 9xxx.
So can I Cham Siong with AH Huay to switch your TW2.0 SHD 9xxx to my Kaki.
Mi also tio cut....knnbccb
This is what will happen if the taxi company too chin chye....
It make the TD think that they are big fxxx....
I sarpork Jasmine, lai, lai, lai, who want to throw....
Originally posted by Keepthechange666:This is what will happen if the taxi company too chin chye....
It make the TD think that they are big fxxx....
I sarpork Jasmine, lai, lai, lai, who want to throw....
Originally posted by Low75:I want to throw can
Haha, how's your father? getting better?....
Originally posted by Redxx:Mi also tio cut....knnbccb
Originally posted by Keepthechange666:Haha, how's your father? getting better?....
Originally posted by Low75:PM you Liao
Receive, take care, bro...
Cut $60 no relief incentives. ....
Reason given was LTA not encourage coy gv incentives for omo....
Means $60 lesser.....haiz....means my rental going to up again...
Long time didnt post...but see this thread so cant help it.... dun know whether to laugh or feel sorry for all tds in singapore...
So does all past threads and postings in sgforum about how ho tan driving taxi is....how many many $xx plus meter i take la....how much $xxx nett i make everyday la....helps to contribute to how taxi companies are hitting on tds at the moment?
gia lan kar tao
Originally posted by ericgo:Long time didnt post...but see this thread so cant help it.... dun know whether to laugh or feel sorry for all tds in singapore...
So does all past threads and postings in sgforum about how ho tan driving taxi is....how many many $xx plus meter i take la....how much $xxx nett i make everyday la....helps to contribute to how taxi companies are hitting on tds at the moment?
gia lan kar tao
It is naive to think that policies are formulated based on postings in sgforum. Are you implying orbi good to those who post constantly here?
LTA encourages taxis to be on the road 24/7. That's how the 250km rule came about. To have incentives encouraging OMO runs contrary to LTA's intent.
Originally posted by Taxilim88:It is naive to think that policies are formulated based on postings in sgforum. Are you implying orbi good to those who post constantly here?
LTA encourages taxis to be on the road 24/7. That's how the 250km rule came about. To have incentives encouraging OMO runs contrary to LTA's intent.
Its abt demand and supply, if you r free call up any of the 4 taxis company and see if you can hire a cab on the spot. Like CT said the queue is long long until year end.
So who create such demand? Some may argue and said its our govt's FT policies.
But over all we TDs some how still shoot our ownshelf in the foot by boasting to straits time (7k Taxi Driver), posting of incomes on forum.....
Such income talks before we had internet used to only circulate around coffeeshop and now its wide spread to internet how good taxi drivers are making.
Do we see property agents, insurance agents go around boasting how much they make every month on the internet?
If its not gia lan kar tao than wat?
Actually, it is not wrong to talk about one income, nor illegal and restricted. And further more, no one can stop one from declaring his income if he wish to do it.
However, to further add salt and pepper, TD are declaring their income and yet proclaimed that it is easy money to earn, no stress, no pressure, own time, can take cab for own use, this alone attracted many middle ages guy to join as TDs, because these middle ages are being neglected by govt, which will ultimately form the aging population of tomorrow.
The outreach to them from govt is not clear and open, employers still prefer youngers and still harbour cheap foreign labour mindset, and in typical singapore, ready cash is much preferred then CPF. Finding now less leeway out, most middle ages from property, insurance agents, got job but low paid, to those with chronic illness start to look for driving taxis.
The current COE and low quotas actually also help in a way of seeing more Q at those taxi companies, less quotas for taxis with high COE therefore, contribute to much Q at the waiting list.
Originally posted by bowah:
However, to further add salt and pepper, TD are declaring their income and yet proclaimed that it is easy money to earn, no stress, no pressure, own time, can take cab for own use, this alone attracted many middle ages guy to join as TDs, because these middle ages are being neglected by govt, which will ultimately form the aging population of tomorrow.
。。。。。because these middle ages are being neglected by govt, which will ultimately form the aging population of tomorrow.。。。。。。
å�Œæ ·çš„ï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡èƒ½æœ‰ä»Šå¤©çš„æ—¥å�,那些现在50+,60+çš„è€�头å�åœ¨æ–°åŠ å�¡å»ºå›½çš„åˆ�期为国家付出了一生。
aiya bro, To be frank, who likes old? if today, the govt is to come out a law that say they can destroy those old and useless singaproeans, I think we are all gone. And all their problem or most of their problem will be solve.
Any society works well in it infancy (young citizens), there will be energy and life, people like keepthechange will like to go back to the past are such people who still prefer our infancy stage of industrialisation, whereby bro you also chiong here and there and become successful, I also chiong here and there, bare body in the rain also no problem, obedient and work hard for the country.
To the govt, a young society is much preferred due to citizen naiveness, restless and full of passion and energy. When there are too many middles ages and old peoples in a society, things get difficult in terms of having to care for them, having to protect them, having to listen to them, and also more important, cannot con them further.
The govt might even have a conspiracy theory in getting older singaporeans to work on certain areas and not to mess with a economy that need to be nurture with low cost wages and young handsome or beautiful faces.
As such, becoming a Taxis driver could had fell directly into their (theory) trap of saying the best is all these old cocks go drive taxis
Not only middle age...be it executive or blue collar
Most of our locals lose their jobs to Foreign Trash.
And you think their qualifications are genuine ???
This is a hard ugly fact however our garment insist these are Foreign Talents.
You guys don't think TD is very safe hor...very soon all these new immigrants will take away our rice bowl.
All thanks to this garment !!!
As i said, I believe taxi driving is still very much a citizens domainant trade, why? because the govt must open up a way for middle ages Uncles and aunties Singaporean to earn a living, and to do that, they push these oldies into cleaners, taxi drivers, security guards and maybe dish washer technician.
This will make way for cheaper and younger FT and FW to move into the main stream jobs of the economy.
So, in another words, those holding o levels, and sex 2 certicate like me, or even PSLE will be outcast to do the lower chores job of the society. And that is also why all these jobs are only for citizens.
In social political science, the most important is to ensure everyone got a job, careless smlj job, because if you got a job, you will be busy, stressed and tired trying to do the job to earn a living. And that will defray your mind on political issues, you got no time or dun even bother about it, and that is why PM use to say
"I shall make sure every singaporeans have a job" because he understand jobless lead to social unrest
Originally posted by bowah:
As i said, I believe taxi driving is still very much a citizens domainant trade, why?
。。。As i said, I believe taxi driving is still very much a citizens domainant trade。。。。
Ah Wah you talk cock again lai, Last round before GE if not uncle Leong talk to LKY and LKY stop one of these fucker
Today you will see 2000+Ah Tiong as Singapore TD.
å�¬è¯´ï¼šä¸Šå›žå¤§é€‰å‰�ï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡æœ€å¤§çš„两家德士公å�¸å�‘上é�¢å…¶ä¸ä¸€ä¸ªçŽ‹å…«è›‹ç”³è¯·åœ¨ä¸å›½ç¦�建å�Šæ½®æ±•æ‹›è�˜ 2500 + 800 å��大å¦èµ„æ ¼çš„å¾·å£«å¸ˆå‚…ã€‚
å› ä¸ºæœ‰äº†è¿™å¸®ä¸å›½é¾™ï¼Œè¿™ä¸¤å®¶å¾·å£«å…¬å�¸å°±ä¸�ç”¨æ€•æœ¬åœ°çš„å¾·å£«å¸ˆå‚…é€ å��ï¼�
把这2500 + 800 æ�¡ä¸å›½ï¼ˆè¿‡æ±Ÿé¾™ or è™«ï¼‰å¼•è¿›æ–°åŠ å�¡å¾·å£«å¸ˆå‚…行业,进行1个月é—关培è®ï¼Œæ•™å¯¼ä»–ä»¬è‹±æ–‡çš„æ–°åŠ å�¡çš„路线,酒店,政府租屋,公寓,è´ç‰©å•†åœºï¼Œå¦æ ¡ç‰ã€‚
æ•™å¯¼ä»–ä»¬æ–°åŠ å�¡çš„一些基本ç¦�建è¯�地å��,马æ�¥è¯�地å��ç‰ã€‚
底薪SGD1400 å¤–åŠ ä½�宿,这2500 + 800 æ�¡ä¸å›½ï¼ˆè¿‡æ±Ÿé¾™ or 虫)æ¯�天两ç�倒,
他们�天最少必须走SGD280.00 之�的收入,他们�以抽佣20% ,�约两年。
结果,这外æ�¥è¿‡æ±Ÿé¾™ or 虫大计给NTA 探å�¬åˆ°ï¼ŒNTA å…¶ä¸ä¸€ä½�å…ƒè€�级人马是è€�æ�Žï¼ˆLKY)Tanjong Pagar çš„è€�基层 Uncle Leong,Uncle Leong 马上å�‘è€�æ�ŽæŠ•è¯‰ã€‚
è€�æ�Žå�¬è§�了王八蛋林,下令他马上KIV引进这2500 + 800 æ�¡ä¸å›½ï¼ˆè¿‡æ±Ÿé¾™ or è™«ï¼‰è®¡åˆ’ï¼Œå› ä¸ºè€�æ�Žçš„大内密探得到的线报,大选情况对MIWé�žå¸¸ä¸�妙,ä¸�è¦�ç�«ä¸Šæ·»æ²¹ã€‚
Originally posted by ericgo:Long time didnt post...but see this thread so cant help it.... dun know whether to laugh or feel sorry for all tds in singapore...
So does all past threads and postings in sgforum about how ho tan driving taxi is....how many many $xx plus meter i take la....how much $xxx nett i make everyday la....helps to contribute to how taxi companies are hitting on tds at the moment?
gia lan kar tao
Bro, you talking about which forum?....
In sgforum, the 1 who started taxi forum MIA liao, and the later 1 who created another taxi forum also run road liao....
Originally posted by ericgo:Its abt demand and supply, if you r free call up any of the 4 taxis company and see if you can hire a cab on the spot. Like CT said the queue is long long until year end.
So who create such demand? Some may argue and said its our govt's FT policies.
But over all we TDs some how still shoot our ownshelf in the foot by boasting to straits time (7k Taxi Driver), posting of incomes on forum.....
Such income talks before we had internet used to only circulate around coffeeshop and now its wide spread to internet how good taxi drivers are making.
Do we see property agents, insurance agents go around boasting how much they make every month on the internet?
If its not gia lan kar tao than wat?
"Do we see property agents, insurance agents go around boasting how much they make every month on the internet?"
You are damn wrong, bro....
This 2 so call "profession" is the most "big cannon" professional....
If they don't boast around, "gui" than want to join their company....
Originally posted by Keepthechange666:Bro, you talking about which forum?....
In sgforum, the 1 who started taxi forum MIA liao, and the later 1 who created another taxi forum also run road liao....
U ask TS lor he last time always like to report income one..