Hello, I am new here.
I have some question about KTVs and I'm not sure if this is the right place.
For KTVs, are they different rules on how should behave?
What are the etiquette like?
Is there like a list of do's and don't?
Nothing much, just be urself but just remember that when they play the national anthem Majulah Singapura u need to stand up. Just like when in school lah. And just tip everyone like u're a millionare.
Don't hog the mic.
If there are 4 people in the room, each should take take turns.
1-2-3-4 repeat.
Get the cold honey drink.
Greatly soothes your throat after all that singing.
must sing - adele set fire to the rain
and then u can rest for the rest of the session
Depend which kind of KTV eh.. lol
Unwritten rule.
Cannot sing Jacky Cheung's Friends twice consecutively.