U finally got the right forum.
But then hor...
Post so long no takers means....
actually why put lol behind ?
act girly a bit lah.
Put *giggles* or something.
what's your height and weight? and your vital statistics?
trying to sabotage somebody?
post ur pic
people like you have problems.........maybe go get a check up?
put full name and post such stuff..
trying to make this post hit the papers to sabo ppl?
think sgf ppl all goondos?
lol...this is a fake lah...
Originally posted by Kohxingxia 87:i am a girl here
so you are a guy elsewhere?
lol got so desperate anot...
so old liao still virgin .. cfm damn fugly =x
Just go to a club and flirt can alr.
Well, u could always go little india and try.
u go to truly asia hang ard in some remote place late in night, there will people wanting to have sex with u wan...
virgin so what??? i also virgin
fresh and delicious and yummy
Welcome to singapore
no pic no talk.
post ur pic here first lah. or are u a guy??