Corduroy is at present 26 years old which would be 121 in cat years.
Corduroy is the world’s oldest living cat. Aged 26 (121 in cat years), he holds the Guinness World Records title for the world's oldest living cat.
Corduroy was adopted from a shelter home in Oregon in 1989, when his owner Reed Okura was just 7 years old.
Corduroy is a half Maine Coon cat and loves to enjoy his time outdoor.
“I strongly believe the key to his longevity is the fact we did not declaw him and allowed him to go outside,” said Reed to BoredPanda.
“He is a wonderful companion and I hope to give him a happy and healthy life for many more years, ” she adds.
aaaw <3
26 yrs old for cats is reallyyyyyyy oldddd...
awwww he's really cute!
missing my old cat that died at 15 years old...