I want a cat, but wife dun let me leh. HAiz 37 yrs old liao, still cant get something i like.
jealous of other felines.
Yes, that crazy wife of mine, wat to do? VIETNAM style.
at least my old girl like little animals.
Lucky man.
have 2 cats at home. Used to be 3 but one killed by snake last year.
? U stay at landed? How come got snake?
yes but we no more in sg.
Well at least u still got 2 more cats with u, my wife only allows me to have cats when our whole family moves to vietnam in 2-3 years later. what has to go , got to go. CHeer up.Where u staying now?
3 time zones from sg.
I abit blur one ah. USA?
dun matter; a decision taken after GE11.