Originally posted by _Aaron_:
Sorry about not being here more often, but i've been drafted to the army..
I happened to chance across an article in the Today newspaper today, and i saw a picture of a cat looking forlorn... if i'm not wrong, the caption says that because of something the AVA abolished, stray cats will now be culled..
Can anyone shed more light on this? If all stray cats will be culled... that's truly bad news!
This is old news, and there was even quite a hooha over it some months ago (or was it last year? Can't remember) that it was in the news. The AVA and town councils went back on their words and halted the cat rehabilitation scheme. This means no more allowing registered volunteer feeders to sterilise and care for cats in their areas. Even cats that had been sterilised and cared for for a long time, the AVA/TC can round them up if just a resident complains, and the cats most likely may not live to see the light of day. No more chance. Their basic belief is that culling is the only answer to curb the stray cat population. You can refer to cat welfare society website (www.catwelfare.org) for past development.