was on my way home last nite in her car and she suddenly shout"omg, theres a cat lying in the middle of the road" as we cud not park anywhere near,she made another round on the road to see if the cat is dead.
as we were nearing the cat she was driving very very slow on the busy road. she was near hysterical and really could not think properly. sensing the danger that we have caused to ourselves and other car as well, i told her to drop me off and i'll take a look at the cat and she shud drive the car somewhere safe.
the cars were coming towards hard and fast, no fucKing wonder the cat got knocked down. i actually had to raise up my palm towards tthe on coming traffice to make it to the center of the road. there was these orange and white barriers in the middle od the road and the cat is jux lying there,nearing a turn. as i bend down and touched the cat,she meowed!!!
"OMFG, she's alive but hurt in a very bad way"
jux then, my gf came running towards me, not looking at the road at all!!!crazy woman was gonna get knock down by cars and buses any minute.
so i stood up and went onto the road to divert traffice away from my love and the cat.and motioned to her to carry the cat to the side of the road.
once we are safe at the side of the road, i took a better look at the cat and at once knew that she was in really bad shape. she was bleeding from the mouth and Shitting herself. her whole body was limp and she could not even stand up, as we carried her, we had to support her entire body or parts of her will droop down. i was afraid that many of her bones including the spine might have been broken.
without thinking, i put her on my lap and tole my gf to drive to james tan animal hospital at stevens road, that was close to 11pm.
soon as we reached the hospital,we rushed into the doctor's room. and the doctor woke up frpm his sleep to look at the cat.
"no broken bones,but most likely internal bleeding."
and it was then i saw the cat's tongue,it was sticking out the whole time. and the reason was,her lower back tooth had pierced a hole thru her own tongue and was caught there. i can see clearly the whole tooth sticking out from under the tongue. for someone with piercing, i still feel painful for the cat.
then it was crunch time. we had to make a choice:call SPCA and have the cat put down for a minimal fee, or pay the hospital hundrens of dollars to try to save the cat. and she was having trouble breathing which means survival rate is damn low.
we decided to pay even tho she was a stray cat.
at around 1 am, the hospital called and said the cat is dead.