A true-life account submitted by one of TalkingCock's very own readers: “I was in IRC when this sex starved NSF began sending out messages asking for ‘hugs n kisses' in exchange for cash. So I decided to teach him a lesson by pretending to help him…”
MnM: hi. u got gals intro?
josh: for what type of service?
MnM: kiss
josh: just KISS? sure or not
MnM: ya. n hugs
josh: what is your occupation? poly?
MnM: ns
josh: are u ugly?
MnM: no
josh: cos have to charge more
MnM: hw much
josh: calling up my girls now. why u want to pay for hugs and kisses?
MnM: wan 2 try. try to find more virgin gals pls
josh: why virgin?
MnM: cuter ma
josh: u never say anything about sex
MnM: aiya, in case, i wan. oso betta mah
josh: virgin a bit hard
MnM: okie just try yr best la
josh: but those fatter and got pimples one, can?
MnM: dun wan la!
josh: then u want what standard? fann wong, fiona xie standard??!!!
MnM: nicer one at least la
josh: u virgin?
MnM: ya
MnM: so hw
josh: wait wait
josh: holiday season lah
josh: high demand
MnM: ...
MnM: got such thing?
josh: wah lau, u so young, what u know about these things
MnM: ok
MnM: yr gals young or old one
josh: 18 - 30s
MnM: I wan 18 to 21
MnM: to 23 at most
MnM: ok?
josh: can no problem
MnM: k
josh: btw, u never try geylang?
MnM: no
josh: y not?
MnM: yr gals from geylang? super dirty
josh: how u know, u never try b4
josh: what is ur budget for 'all the way'
MnM: 200??
josh: eh u si beh chao kuan
josh: just now you say $300
MnM: ?
MnM: when sia!
josh: eh hallo don't fuck around ok
MnM: try 2 find cheap n gd one la
MnM: help la
josh: $300 is $300 ok
MnM: ok la
MnM: 300 lor
josh: must wear condom leh
josh: sibeh chia lat, deal with virgins
MnM: y le
josh: u know how to 'do it' or not?!
MnM: wear lor
josh: i put 2 virgin together then how?!?!
josh: ba long long
MnM: gd la. we try together
josh: u never do it, how u know how to do??
MnM: c porn b4 wad
MnM: best is u help me find virgin
josh: u sure know how to enjoy man...they are damn tight
MnM: haha
josh: usually u won't last more than 1 min
josh: haha... $300 for 1 1minute
MnM: haha
MnM: wats the girl contact?
MnM: wats the gal info?
josh: siao! i give u everything for fuck? u think i provide free service?
MnM: ?
MnM: no la
MnM: i give the ger some tips... ask her give u la
josh: huh?
josh: oh
josh: buddy, don't try to pull tricks ok?
josh: i in this line so long
josh: all these dirty tricks i know ok
josh: mess with me i make sure it will be your first and last time
MnM: ok
MnM: dun tell me u will kill me.. ok?
MnM: so how
MnM: faster tell me le
MnM: i wont tua u one la
josh: u urgent?
MnM: ya
MnM: hehe
MnM: so hw
josh: ok
josh: u're in luck buddy
josh: jeanette aw look a like available
MnM: wow
MnM: yes la
josh: can?
MnM: yes
MnM: hw old?
josh: 22
josh: can?
MnM: okie
MnM: virgin?
josh: what u think? bloody hell
josh: today virgin is those like olinda cho like that ok?
josh: u want?!? i got a lot. can arrange for u
MnM: dun wan!
josh: y not? cute what
MnM: cute my ass
MnM: so hw? she come over?
josh: ok
josh: this jeanette aw look a like
MnM: her contact?
josh: got one small problem. actually is tiny problem lah
MnM: wat prob?
josh: she is ah quah
MnM: Â…
josh: but fully operation liao
MnM: f u la! i dun wan
josh: everything also change like woman
MnM: i might as well go masturbate
josh: very very nice. cannot tell
josh: very very hot
josh: consider la
josh: no way to tell she was man
MnM: Â…
MnM: nono
josh: $150. include everything
josh: satisfaction or money back
MnM: nono
MnM: $ i got
josh: btw.. y u never go find gf?
MnM: ...
MnM: 2 shy
josh: shy?? haha
josh: u meet first time want to have sex already still say shy
MnM: Â…
josh: hey. got one girl quite particular abt looks. how I know u not ugly?
MnM: not lah
josh: u got photo?
MnM: dun haf scanner
josh: then we use reference
josh: u look like:
josh: 1) You Hong Ming?
josh: 2) Lin Yi Ming?
MnM: like Â…
josh: 3) Ah Meng?
josh: pls select one
MnM: fuk u la
MnM: 1
MnM: the ger chio bo?
josh: 7/10 by my standard
MnM: ic. Ok. got her pic? faster leh..
josh: she say see ur pic 1st
josh: if say she see u and she run away, will u get hurt?
MnM: no
MnM: so we can meet up first. its ok one
josh: really meh
josh: what if she vomit?
MnM: not happy with each other looksÂ… dun sex lor