New to Taoism:
A Spiritual Veneration of Nature and Simplicity
Taoists avoid complicated things. Because they are focused on mystic spiritualities, they have no desire for the material goods that complicate most normal lives. Once a Taoist has overthrown the tyranny of material goods, or those of desires, jealousies, or rages, their lives become driven by simplicities. They are still human, and have most of the requirements of normal people. But they reserve exclusive focus for their religious quest, and thus have discarded most of that which normal people deem important.
Nature, as seen through Taoist eyes, is itself one of these great simplicities. The world passes in ebbs and flows, which are evident and discernable to the Taoist trained in yin-yang theory and five-element theory. This is the basis of the famous Book of Changes(I Ching). Taoists can see various energies at work in the world of nature and in the animal kingdom, and often take great pleasure from this insight. The most important classic in Taoism - the Tao Te Ching is a great work, having all the fudenmentals in Taoism.