I can't squat now dude .... back hurts ......
can't bend forward either .....
shit .....
I can knee but getting down on my knees hurts ....
I know my folks are pretty casual and won't need me to kneel during the tea ceremony, but I'm not sure about fatumnette's dad ....
Originally posted by Fatum:I can't squat now dude .... back hurts ......
can't bend forward either .....
shit .....
I can knee but getting down on my knees hurts ....
I know my folks are pretty casual and won't need me to kneel during the tea ceremony, but I'm not sure about fatumnette's dad ....
i thought you wrapped yourself in koyok plaster?
I hate ppl mixing up SI units or wrong conversion... but this is a fail so epic that it became a Win
I did .... tiger palm koyoh plasters ....
but it's not working as good as I'd hoped ...
go for a massage or some physio or sports therapy?
you know, speaking of this, I realized a lot of people don't know their millions and billions in chinese ......
1 yi != 1 billion .... 1 yi = 100 million ...... -__-"
Originally posted by cassie:go for a massage or some physio or sports therapy?
fatumnette offered to massage me later this evening after the church rehersals ...
but I always get naughty thoughts when she does that for me ...
better to wait till get chopped and licensed first ....
walao eh, fatum....TMI leh.
fatumnette just finished spa ... time to go out to play ! ...
I hate fatum
Fatum, if you sprain your back I suggest you go for acupuncture
I know a very bian tai doctor at Pasir Ris who can cure your back instantly but you need to tahan the treatment
Originally posted by elindra:Fatum, if you sprain your back I suggest you go for acupuncture
I know a very bian tai doctor at Pasir Ris who can cure your back instantly but you need to tahan the treatment
Bian tai???
... ... ...
... ... ... ... ...
Well coz I was screaming bloody murder while he was treating my back the last time I sprained it
The feeling from the needles is indescribable. It's like electric currents going through and it was painful and numb and 'suan' and dunno what else. But my back was ok after
Originally posted by elindra:Well coz I was screaming bloody murder while he was treating my back the last time I sprained it
The feeling from the needles is indescribable. It's like electric currents going through and it was painful and numb and 'suan' and dunno what else. But my back was ok after
hmmm, painful, numb and suan...?
Well, I could help u by jabbing u with needles made of Ice, laced with lemon juice... it'll be numbing cold, painfully and definately sourish suan...
My back is fine now -_-"
just from the description of it cures u~~~
imagine the wonder that it could do~~~
That was such a long time ago
Of coz my back is fine now and it has been fine for a long time already -_-"
Hmmm, does the description has any healing powers over different dimension and time-space as well???
well i just tortured myself icing my ankle for 30 minutes...in the freezing office
Looks like MPB is back with a nice fat catch
Originally posted by elindra:Looks like MPB is back with a nice fat catch
He came back with 2 BK Whooper + 3 Big Mac + 4 Zinger burger???
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:
He came back with 2 BK Whooper + 3 Big Mac + 4 Zinger burger???
No a lot of fish from his fishing trip
Originally posted by elindra:No a lot of fish from his fishing trip
Hmmm, so tat'll be tons of MacD fillet-o-fish, KFC OR Fillet Burger, some random LJS or BK fish burgers?
Originally posted by sbst275:afternoon
hi sbst