Originally posted by fudgester:Okay then, I'm boycotting the entire City Hall/Marina Bay area from now till Tuesday.
Say what you will, but sitting behind a steering wheel by no means counts as a sport to me. I would be jumping for joy once all those clowns get the heck outta my city.
You may think as you wish, but it doesn't change the fact that piloting a fast machine with no creature comforts or driver aids to its limits, and subjecting oneself to 5Gs for two hours (and that's just the race itself) is extremely demanding physically and mentally.
It's a lot of work for a clown, isn't it?
please see EOY Barbeque thingy for update!!
This is epic facepalm..... I thought that these things only happened up north....
CNB: Did we say that drug-related arrests were dropping? Whoops, actually they're on the rise
To be sure, the mistabulation and misreporting of statistics do not affect the integrity of any individual cases.
But hey, what I want to ask is: did these statistics skew the degree of enforcement in any way? For example, were drug-enforcement efforts wound down because the statistics showed that fewer people were getting involved with drugs?
Shucks man, this is beyond stupidity.
acid, your bus chia got affected by F1 or not?
Cos Bus 10 is affected by F1 le..
forgot acid workplace got shuttles...
Anyway... 15 more days to CCL full ops
Originally posted by sbst275:Morning...
acid, your bus chia got affected by F1 or not?
Cos Bus 10 is affected by F1 le..
forgot acid workplace got shuttles...
Anyway... 15 more days to CCL full ops
nope... i ish shuttlebus then am arh tee...
morning guys
Hmmz kopi doesn't come in any more does he? Going to his hometown and was wondering if got any recommendations
hoping to get some kopi luwak on the way out later
Was at Bugis ytd
Can still hear the F1 cars...
* drives past *
ambu on duty at F1?
nope, no duty at F1 but always on standby to keep a lookout for those who're in need of help..
how's the human traffic in sg this weekend?
Originally posted by cassie:how's the human traffic in sg this weekend?
Not bad in Marina Square and Suntec City yesterday... just F1 fans and smart people taking advantage of the smaller crowds.
I'm just waiting for them to clear away all those roadblocks and diversions and restore bus services in the area to normal.
And then I'll say good riddance to all those yahoos who turned my city into a gigantic circus for a few days.
five more days ! five more days ! ....
*bounces .....
In other news, last week I booked an IPT session at Bedok Camp for last Saturday.
However, the PTIs couldn't find my booking, and couldn't inpro me. As a result, I was thrown out of camp.
I called the NS hotline, and they claimed that there was no record of a booking either.
Okay, it's partially my fault for not printing out the booking confirmation page, but hey, I've been doing this for years, and I've never encountered such rubbish before. And I wasn't the only one - two other people were thrown out as well because their bookings could not be found in the system.
Anyway, I've just made another booking for this Saturday, and I've printscreened and saved the confirmation page. If this rubbish happens again.....
Originally posted by Fatum:five more days ! five more days ! ....
*bounces .....
bounce ok, don't roll down the aisle
neways that day's catering, will still feature roast beef and lamb ... but it won't be roasted onsite, since no open fires allowed .....
there'll be chefs at the carving stations to portion out the stuff ......
and there'll be a third party alcohol station on hand also, with all usual fermented juices, grape, hops, pine, oak ... those driving please indulge sparingly yah ...
wah! good food! Looks like I'm really in for a fattening week
it better be good ..... my wallet is bleeding like my haemorrhoids on the worst days ...
I've put on like 3 kilos in the past two weeks ....
friday's guo da li alone ... I think I ate a quarter haunch of roast pig .... with patches demolishing the other quarter ....
Originally posted by Fatum:I've put on like 3 kilos in the past two weeks ....
friday's guo da li alone ... I think I ate a quarter haunch of roast pig .... with patches demolishing the other quarter ....
Woah dude..... you really gotta watch your intake.
Last thing you want is to put on your tux on the morning of your wedding only to find that it's too tight.