A quick definition : A staple food is a food that is "eaten regularly and in such quantities as to constitute the dominant part of the diet and supply a major proportion of energy and nutrient needs."
(Source : Wikipedia, which in turn, extracted that from United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization: Agriculture and Consumer Protection. "Dimensions of Need - Staple foods: What do people eat?". http://www.fao.org/docrep/u8480e/u8480e07.htm. Retrieved 2010-10-15.)
So... what staple food do you find yourself consuming most of the time? Rice? Noodles? Bread? Ramen? Porridge? Pasta? We're so spoilt for choice in Singapore!
eaten regularly and supply major proportion of energy needs should be sugar bah? or maybe salt?
Originally posted by hisoka:eaten regularly and supply major proportion of energy needs should be sugar bah? or maybe salt?
How can you consume THAT much sugar to provide your MAJOR proportion of energy needs?!
If you do that on a regular basis, you'll become blind, an amputee, and in a diabetic coma!
Rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice rice
My staple consists of food, H2O, air and sleep.
w/o a doubt, PASTA!
Rice & noodles.
i'm more a noodles, pasta, udon (the jap noodles, not our forumnite!), soba etc person
I vary the types of carbs that I eat, and sometimes I skip them altogether. They include pasta, cereal, muesli, quinoa, white and brown rice, bread (white, brown, oat, rye), potatoes and noodles.
hmmm, depends on wat ever craving I have for that day...
many variety...
I think the one food item I simply can't do without is soup. I love soups!
I say sugar, then rice. I hate to eat rice, i depend on sugar. One day without ice cream or sweet drinks... i feel like i dun have any energy.
i eat barely less than half a plate of rice everyday.
Well, I would say porridge, noodles, potato, pasta, oatmeal, wholemeal/whole wheat breads
Rice is definitely not a staple to me.
Originally posted by the Bear:meat...
porridge to me, is for a hot day
Brown rice is my everyday dinner at home. My family are used to eating such stuffs a few years back although I might like white rice.
Originally posted by the Bear:meat...
Same and Agreed.
More "Bak", more "Chai" less "Bee" :D
noodles and rice.
Originally posted by TooFree:Brown rice is my everyday dinner at home. My family are used to eating such stuffs a few years back although I might like white rice.
I have been eating Brown rice for the last 6 years. I don't care much for white rice these day.
roti prata
rice, noodles & pasta
not in order of liking
I left out oatmeal. I can eat oatmeal porridge with other dishes
How many people hv I grossed out already?