finished everything for today and this week... sent out~
FINALLY...finished all reports, presentation slides =)
Now feeling giddy after all the rushing =P
Bear, dinner is 7pm. 6.30pm coz the waitress says i can go early and wait there....
i go there at 6:30 anyway
ahhhh... U all having ur dian xiao er dinner today...
u all enjoy ur dinner~ I'm heading home after work to slp...
it's gonna rain heavily here...
finish work liao.. waiting for time to pang kang
seems like everyone made good progress with work today~
yay! me also more or less got most of my work stuff cleared.
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:seems like everyone made good progress with work today~
not me ..... spent half the day waiting for other people to do theirs ...
Didn't do much work today, went for a talk just now, twiddling thumbs till its time to eat duck
*me mutters German curses*
Really dark clouds here at Kent Ridge...... I can't risk going for my hill run.....
Once again, my running plans go up in smoke because of the weather.....
the jazz in the iTunes stations lulled me to sleep
Originally posted by fudgester:*me mutters German curses*
Really dark clouds here at Kent Ridge...... I can't risk going for my hill run.....
Once again, my running plans go up in smoke because of the weather.....
do burpees in the comfort of your own room
Originally posted by av98m:do burpees in the comfort of your own room
I'm in my office on campus.... will be here till late.
My idea was to run around NUS..... hill workouts are great for building up speed, and there's no local terrain more undulating than Kent Ridge....
Ah well. Back to work, then.
IF u guys still manage to have some space left,
Marina Square FC served excellent saba fish set for just $5.50 and the saba's rather fresh...
The japanese stall selling the set is better then the korean stall IMO...
pang kang lor... :)
Originally posted by fudgester:I'm in my office on campus.... will be here till late.
My idea was to run around NUS..... hill workouts are great for building up speed, and there's no local terrain more undulating than Kent Ridge....
Ah well. Back to work, then.
make a quick dash as much as you can?
Good Morning... Rise and Shine..
time to prepare for shoots liao..
made potato salad yesterday evening, so i can have it for breakfast.. and i just found out, i forgot to add hard boiled eggs.. aww.. now go boil eggs now :)
morning. lazy day but i gotta head over to millenia later.
later gotta go durian...
i think i shall do my personal RT training later, since i've completed my RT already
oki... get ready to go out... later go sentosa and meet friend..