Woody Harrelson star in the horror comedy "Zombieland," which revolves around a mismatched pair of survivors who find friendship and redemption in a world overrun by zombies. Harrelson plays one of the men, a zombie fighter named Albuquerque.
Remind me directly of the game Left4Dead 2 , Dark Carnival where you are one of the 4 survivors having to move from point A to B while killing zombies using many kinds of melee weapons and guns . And also some of the games in the carnival can be played inside the game to unlock special achievement .
By the way many of the weapon they used in the movie can be found and used in the game too .
not watching
Being a fan of the zombie genre, I've already seen the film. Definitely not the best out there, but a good blend of horror and comedy. I feel that the plot is rather thin, then again it's supposed to be an horror comedy - more light-hearted than anything. I like the character development and interaction.
Great show, was laughing the whole way through!
Bill Murray's cameo in the flim was called for! Awesome!
It's like a funny version of L4D, only better!
I heard the US Department of Advanced Research Projects something something(DARPA) was making some special concoction for the military. This concoction is supposed to be able to stop the heart from beating, blood loss and death. Essentially putting the person in suspended animation, so the soldier is "dead" but not quite, as he can be brought back to life later on where he can be treated properly with the equipment unavailable on the battlefield...
Don't know about you, but that's just asking for a zombie apocalypse.
ps. It's already been tested on pigs and small animals. It works. Human trials coming up!
rule #1 cardio: how many fat people do you see at the end of the world when its zombies doing the ending?
rule #2 beware of bathrooms
rule #3 seatbelts
rule #4 doubletap
rule #5 no attachments
rule #6 travel in a group
rule #7 keep the dumb dumbs close at hand: one of the most sure fire ways of making sure you survive is keeping the less intelligent as close at hand as possible. when you find somebody who asks you 'Whats going on? What Happened? those are the ones you want with you!
rule #8 kill with efficiency
rule #9 guns are for hunting, not for zombie killing
rule #10 be quiet
rule #15 know ur way out
rule #17 don't be a hero (this one's my favourite)
for those who enjoyed zombieland, try shaun of the dead. it's twice as funny n their zombie killing gags r a lot more hilarious.
inferior to shaun of the dead.
too short and predictable. hardly any scary or suspenseful moments.
shld have abit more horror and less comedy, but maybe it wanted to distinguish itself from Dawn of the Dead