Set in 1979, Haruka Ayase stars as a 23-year-old teacher named Mikako who was recently transferred to a junior high school school in Kitakyushu. Enthusiastic about her new job, she immediately volunteers to coach the boys volleyball club. Unfortunately, she finds the team only has 5 members—all of them geeks who spend most of their time obsessing over girls and no time practicing. In an effort to motivate the team, she gets coaxed into promising to flash them her “oppai” (breasts) if they win the big tournament.
The promise works like a charm; with the prospect of seeing their well-endowed teacher’s rack, the kids immediately become fiercely determined to become better volleyball players. Minako is obviously nervous about the implications of her promise, but is also pleased with the complete change in attitude and she even gains back the confidence she had once lost. Unfortunately, the school finds out about it right before the first game, possibly jeopardizing her job. Based on a Munenori Mizuno novel.
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