WARNING! Do NOT watch this movie!!
You'll be watching it AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
TOTAL WASTE of $$$ and TIME!!
Mainly a low cost production of a plot which beats around dragging it for hours... More like watching those ultra-man tv drama series put together in a movie.... Even the TV series would be more 'exciting' and interesting than this!!
By the way, this movie has a sequel to it.... Basically this part 1 is just telling you a VERY GENERAL CRAP which beats about just to waste your $... And make you consider about wasting(?) more $ on a part 2.....
read the movie title u know oredi rite?
wah! u relli dumb to go watch it leh.
eh? i wanted to watch it!!! omg...
Originally posted by FireIce:read the movie title u know oredi rite?
wah! u relli dumb to go watch it leh.
Is it that bad? The plot seems quite cool though...
Originally posted by Raubtier:Is it that bad? The plot seems quite cool though...
Originally posted by FireIce:read the movie title u know oredi rite?
wah! u relli dumb to go watch it leh.
maybe watching is secondary leh...
Originally posted by Devil1976:WATCHING is BELIEVING...
Haha sounds like a dare. I think I'll still go watch it. I'm a sucker for Japanese films. There're no other nice movies now so as well give it a try.
Originally posted by Raubtier:
Haha sounds like a dare. I think I'll still go watch it. I'm a sucker for Japanese films. There're no other nice movies now so as well give it a try.
'No nice movies now' is DEFINITELY an UNDERSTATEMENT!!
i see the trailer already don't feel like watching. looks like a low budget thing with some weird plot
Originally posted by FireIce:read the movie title u know oredi rite?
wah! u relli dumb to go watch it leh.
dun like that say me le.. i watched it... i oledi felt so dummy... dun remind me again lar ...
imo, the movie sucks the most because of the ending, or rather the lack of one.. makes me wanna throw popcorn at them
Originally posted by Devil1976:'No nice movies now' is DEFINITELY an UNDERSTATEMENT!!
Aww... Fret not. The year's end's coming soon. Loads of nice movies will be out by then.
i love tis movie! cant wait for part 2!
Try reading the manga.
It's presented better.
At first I thought it's Naruto.
Kenji kun, asobi ma shyo
Sadly though, it's actually not a low budget film. Mainly because of the number of actors and characters involved.
It's actually not an easy show to understand and I left with a lot of questions and ending up reading the comic to get those questions answered. Having now read the comic, I realise a lot has been left out from the comic and they've even restructuced the story more than Peter Jackson did with Lord of The Rings.
Even then, I wouldn't say the comic or movie is for everyone, because it's not the type that everyone would appreciate. It's essentially a mystery movie with a science fiction element to it.
With the comic, everything and every character has a significance to each other. In the movie, some of these connections are not explained and some of the background story is not told. For eg, how the detective who found out the identity of 'Friend' is actually told very differently between the movie and comic.
Can see though they are trying very hard to recreate the same look as the comic in terms of visual and character looks.
I wish I could say more but I risk running spoilers for people who are either still going to watch the next show or are still reading the comics.
Overall I wouldn't say it's a bad show, but it's not one that everyone can appreciate. If you're looking for straightforward action like Die Hard series look elsewhere. Or even comedy plus action like Rush Hour series, then also look elsewhere. If you're looking for great looking sci-fi graphics like ID4 then also look elsewhere.
Imagine a much prolonged version of IT or Dreamcatcher, both of which were Stephen King novels that became movies (didn't particularly enjoy either though).
If you've read the comic, you will appreciate the effort in trying to recreate the story (which is very difficult). If you haven't read the comic there'll be lots of questions and gaps. If you expecting it to be like Death Note then you will sorely be dissappointed because they are different types of shows.
High expectations sometimes cause high dissapointment, but I believe the box figures achieved in Japan are purely because it rides on the popularity of the comic.
If you really want to just go for story either read the comic or watch a different show.
I personally think that it is a pretty good movie. Just because at the last 6 min of the movie *spoilers!!!*
There is a giant robot, people label this as a tokusatsu show such as ultraman(which is my favourite show of all time). But in fact, this is a sci-fi movie. If people can accept movies such as king kong or star wars, I don't see the reason why this movie is not being accepted. The plot is interesting and keeps you guessing throughout the movie, characters although lack of a bit development, still they are important and attractive. I recommend this movie.
Oh my so now it's toku? Then a must-watch for me! Thanks henshin!