I just saw the movie and I must say it was better than expected.
I went into the theatres expecting another thriller and boy was i wrong. What Peter Jackson has managed to do was to produce a flick more than just a normal thriller with typical chase scenes and fights between beasts and men. He managed to incorporate romance and comedy aided with some very good computer graphic effects.
Naomi Watt's acting was convincing and surely first class, totally immersed in her role as Ann Darrow. If you ask me, I say she deserves an Oscar nomination. Jack Black did well too, excelling in his villian role as Carl Denham.
Like the impressive acting of its counterparts, King Kong was'nt far behind. It's facial expressions were so real. The way the producers depicted the gorilla happy, angry and sad were top draw.
I swear that near the end of the movie, I heard sobbing amongst the crowd. If you plan to watch it, especially ladies, prepare a packet of tissue. You may need it! (Yes! no kidding!)
Though not everything was all good and perfect. Graphics wise, Peter Jackson may have tried a little too much at times. Do try to look out for some of the chase scenes, especially of those the dinosaurs chasing the crew. With all due respect, the individual graphics were brilliant but the integration of the actual actors together with the graphic images were'nt exactly the best. From my point of view, it was pretty clear that the actors were running in font of the blue screen and it did look quite fake. The combination of the scenes was not very well done.
Nonetheless, its still worth the watch. I'd give it the thumbs up.
Interesting facts: Singapore was mentioned in the movie more than 3 times.