Originally posted by BadzMaro:
My company got Strategic Planning and Corporate Development.. but they are mostly at the department like HR mid management. They handle company profiles and company image i think.. i not sure also.
Think they handle other sub companies. Mostly at the Holdings company.
Some are just too troublesome. But its needed so when mistakes are made it can be isolated , identified and action taken on the relevant employee/s .
Its to protect every individual and also to allow smooth operational procedures to the relevant party or department.
Like dealing with Shell , they got super strict Health Safety Security & Environment (HSSE) OP's. Safety over profit. Our company kinda follow its SOP's but also has its own and since its a big company , to not be confused or luan , boh pian with all these procedures. Like some simple things they need my approval n signature when should've just gone straight to the supervisor. Then sometimes comes the different department. We both managers but at our own jurisdiction , n got the head honcho manager who does the pushing n shoving. Frustrating at times.
But like i said , if PR good , then can bypass all these but also must make sure not sh|t's gonna happen. Do first , procedures later. he he..
very interesting insight on how individual company treats strategic planning...
le me share my perspective...
strategic planning charters a company strategic roadmap, planning provides a linkage between the past, the present and the future...by answering the questions abt where we came from, where are we now and where would we want to be going forward.
strategic planning will then work with all other depts on the inputs...if we want to be where we wanna be, what do we need and what need to be done.
then thru those inputs, strategic planning will then do an environmental scanning to determine the company's strength.
something like that, any comments?