If you're buying LCD with protect glass be prepared to use it in a airconditioned room or in an office bcause the heat generated in the space between the screen and the glass will cause condensation and only can be removed by either turning it off to rest or using the aircon to cool it down...
i bought one 17" with internal speakers and the protect glass and was using it when i noticed there was condensation..and whats more the glass could not be removed!
I first turned on the aircon for the first time condensation appeared and then no more appeared for a few weeks and then its back..finally i called the office and they sent ppl to lower the power output(lower heat) and then its ok for a few month untill yesterday where it appeared again!!!
How can heat create condesation?
Originally posted by cheziyi:
How can heat create condesation?
something like when you're bathing with mild-hot water...after a while the glass condense