...get accepted into UK unis.
well....... make sure u really skip everyday of school, make sketchpads out of your notes, be totally clueless about whats going on within your sch, and spend your A level study breaks in arcades or LAN shops(like u aren't already doing that everyday too). Go for your As with a heck care attitude, expect all Fs and jump for more joy than those 4As 2 SP distinction students when u get all Es. any Ds are a bonus, Cs are like winning a 10mil toto, Bs are a miracle, and A means u should wake up pronto b4 u get too happy n realise its only a dream when u wake up.
then... u tell ppl u ain't going to uni, and everyone tries their damnest best to convince u. when u are fully ensured of ppl's sympathy towards your plight, announce u've decided u do want to study afterall and see everyone jump for joy. again u are guranteed more positive attention than any PSC scholar could possibly get. Enroll yourself in something unusual and specialised and watch ppl ooohhh and aahhhh when u tell them what course u are applying for. Expect statements like: "oh thats so cool." "I wish i had the guts to do what I wanted to do too." and "wow... that sounds fun" Tell people of your story in overcoming a difficult time in JC(find something to piss u off to justify your complete slackation in JC. otherwise, make up a story), to emerge not only as someone who could still pass, but could even do well enough, and is bold enough, to do what u actually want to do.
disclaimer: If u do decide to try this and end up a miserable failure for life, I am in no way to be blamed. All ventures to be successful in an extraordinary way are fraught with risks, and in no way is success 100% guranteed.