Originally posted by mancha:
Susan Teo is an Ah Neh.
eh, you still remember ah ?
u recall how old am i ?
Wearing diapers.
<don't let everyone know>
She is even more shallow. Didn't felicia Chin appear in the vitagen ad and try to use her Neh Neh ( . Y . ) to try to sell the drinks??
bluff me ah you, where got neh neh? can't see any.... by the way, the vitagen's bottle look sexy.
i dun find her pretty
She'd welcome more aliens... but my Wife like her acting very much.
what you talking? Its these ones la
There was quite alot of discussion on her neh neh instead of the vitagen a few eyars ago
either boobjob.................or computer generated on tv
squeeze until like that then have, so fake..........
felicia chin is nice leh. at least or least you eant a china whore?
How much one bottle of vitagen?
Originally posted by charlize:How much one bottle of vitagen?
asspensive, that bottle from her neh neh juics 1
way to go boys!