网易娱ä¹�2月13日报é�“ (æ–‡/å°�易)å�°æ¹¾æŒæ˜Ÿã€�综艺节目主æŒ�äººå‡¤é£žé£žï¼Œå› è‚ºç™ŒäºŽ1月3日在香港病é€�,享年60å²�。凤飞飞病é€�消æ�¯ä¿�密一个多月å�Žï¼Œå®¶å±žå’Œå¾‹å¸ˆåœ¨é¦™æ¸¯å�¬å¼€è®°è€…会,公布其病é€�消æ�¯ï¼Œå¹¶äº¤ä»£å…¶å�Žäº‹å·²å¤„ç�†å¥½ã€‚
(本文��:网易娱� )
1 month - why the secrecy?
Originally posted by ahtansh:1 month - why the secrecy?
i think to avoid the attention from the parapazzi.
the family probably wanted her to have a quiet and peaceful sending off.
you will be remembered
she told her son (her husband passed away couple of years ago) and lawyer to release news only after cny
even her mother didn't know
a great mother, wife and daughter....perhaps due to CNY season....she just wanted her beloved family to pass the new year with joy without grief.....
she is the iconic singer of the 70s/ 80s with the household voice imprinted deeply into the hearts and memories of many lovers...
Originally posted by dragg:i think to avoid the attention from the parapazzi.
the family probably wanted her to have a quiet and peaceful sending off.
really well kept secret lor.
I though she is 58 year old....